Joel was woken up by a phone call from Chanel, his ring tone shaking him awake from a heavy sleep.

"What?" Joel answered groggily, half awake.

"Nice to hear from you, too. Someone's not happy."

"Sorry, you just woke me up."

"Just woke up, Joel? It's after noon!"

"Ahh, Chanel, don't shout," Joel rubbed the side of his face, leaning over the side of his bed to catch the time. His eyes squinted to see the glowing red letters, the blurriness only relieved after putting his black glasses on. The letters read "14:13"

"Two PM, Joel, that's ridiculous. How was last night?"

"Last night was gun, not gonna lie. I hung out with some cool people, I guess."

"Friends, eh, Joely?"

"Possibly. I was nervous as hell."

"What about that guy?"

"Didn't hang much with him, I hung out with a bunch of girls," Joel scratched the top of his head and stood from his former place in his warm bed.

"Girls, huh? Did you get any action?" She asked playfully, laughing after her question.

"God, no. I had a hard enough time talking to them, let alone having sex with them."

"Good for you. What did you do then?"

"They gave me a makeover. They were mostly drunk and wanted to play around with makeup on me."

Chanel laughed uncontrollably at Joel's description, only being able to imagine what her brother must've looked like. "I wish I were there to see that, it's a once in a lifetime thing."

"Oh, please. They made sure they got pictures."

"Yes!" She exclaimed on her end of the phone, "I need to see those."

"They're on my camera, don't worry," Joel sighed, "Can I ask for a favour?"

"Depends. What is it?"

"Can you drive me down to the shore to pick up my car?"

"How did you get home without a car?" She asked.

"The guy who took me to the party made me drive him back to his house, so I walked home from his house."

"Oh my god, Joel, was it a long walk?"

"Not really, only about a half hour walk."

"A half hour is a short walk to you?"

"Chanel, can you take me or not?" Joel asked, increasingly getting more and more impatient as the conversation went on.

"Yes, I can take you. I'll be there in a few, see ya."

"Later," Joel hung up and sighed, falling into his couch. He stayed there, staring at the ceiling, feeling a new type of emptiness as he laid alone awaiting the arrival of his sister.

He was shaken from his state of loneliness by the beep of the horn of Chanel's car. He'd completely forgotten about his sister coming to get him, so he rushed to get his keys and his shoes on before stepping outside to get in the car with her.

"Hey," Chanel said after seeing her breathless brother, "What happened to you?"

"I dunno, just in a rush. How are you?" Joel asked and let out a large breath he'd been holding in as he spoke.

"I'm fine, yourself?"

"A little anxious, I haven't taken my meds yet today. I'll be fine once we get to my car, though, the ocean air usually calms me down," Joel nodded with a forced smile.

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