E1 - Brilliantly Blooming Renaissance

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July, Almost the start for High School 2nd POV

Parents support their children's talents, hoping they'll become a significant contribution to the world.

Dancing, Calligraphy, Singing, and Painting...

These recreational activities became your passions in life. Dancing is an exercise to relieve stress. Calligraphy was an outlet when thoughts you couldn't control ran rapid. Singing, expressing your emotions. Painting is a colorful masterpiece depicting a meaning.

On a normal day, you were listening to your favorite playlist when you were interrupted by your mom. You were suddenly startled when your mother handed you a shiny envelope excitedly. Too scared to open the envelope by yourself, asking your mother to read it to you. As your mother scanned through the text and you waited impatiently and anxiously. She had startled you, suddenly exclaiming, "You're moving to Japan! Hoshinomori Private Magical Arts High School has accepted you!" with a sly smile.  As the news set in and doubts clouded your mind you reminded yourself that this experience would help hone your skills for the future. 

Timeskip to the First Day: 1st POV

I walked through the open gate with several other students behind and in front of me.

A/N: Not like Kohana did with no one there and the gates closed. I LITERALLY THOUGHT SHE WAS LATE!

Every step I took was hesitant as I walked forward. I proceeded with caution hoping I'd be able to hone my skills for my future.

Timeskip 1 year: As I walked through the now-familiar Hoshinomori Private Magical Arts High School I observed the atmosphere and students around me. The clueless and experienced. I was going to walk to the dorms when I saw an orange-haired girl gazing at a newbie. Kanato Hibiki, if I'm not wrong. A teenage boy with spiky hair, blue eyes, and tanned skin specialized in an instrument called the cello, A First Year. She was entranced by his magic that was strummed from his fingertips.

I quickly walked up to her once Kanato started having a conversation with my upperclassmen. "Hello! Are you new here?" I was never this confrontational but I was genuinely curious, she looked familiar. She abruptly turned to me, smiled, and nodded, "Yes, and I just got entranced by his sparkles. Weren't they warm?" she giddily asked me.

I could tell this was the start of a deep contempt and competitiveness in me. I already found her, looks, voice, and attitude annoying, I almost wished I was that innocent. "My name is Kohana Aigasaki! What's yours?" she suddenly perked.

That name just confirmed my assumption earlier.

Daughter of the famous Sakura Aigasaki who was known and talented for "flower arrangement". Deceased; A role model to several of my peers...

but not me.

The flower arrangements looked beautiful but I hardly saw it as an art. If people liked it, they liked it and I couldn't fight the citizens' interest. Although planting a patterned flowerbed instead of sticking them to a bunch of metal sticks was as close to flower art as I think that subject could get.

Nevertheless, I won't ponder over something I've despised all my years of knowing a certain Artista any further.

"Y/N L/N" I responded in a carefree voice thinking, Thank god Juri taught me some acting. I followed Kohana to the art set of a uniform black, white, and gray paired with light purple hair and light orange eyes. I overheard gushing girls calling him, the "monochrome prince". It seemed this Monet Tsukushi specialized in painting. A First Year. I rolled my eyes at all the girl's adoration, they were just admiring their new classmate but the aura was irritating. 

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