E2 - Only You Can See Pt.1

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Readers. What the actual %&^*? I got some interactions with this stupid ff even now. Y'all making me feel bad. I read through it again. It's absolutely awful. 

Look I'm sorry for not updating. I have two kids to take care of and I am finally attending school again to get my degree.

(F/N) - Food Name


After a couple of minutes of everyone stating their confusion and bewilderment, the class was suddenly silenced by a giant slam. Ichijoji Teika spits with venom toward Kohana, "You're my enemy." The class suddenly started to gather around Kohana asking her questions that she was oblivious to. While the attention was directed toward Kohana, I was signaled by Todo-sensei to talk to him after class.


The class erupts in commotion from the reveal of a famous Artista being the new transfer student to the outburst of the "prince", Ichijoji Teika. There you are sulking because you weren't chosen for the Hoshi Festival Committee.

Once the class ends you take longer than usual to get packed up and say goodbye to Juri and Kohana. Todo-Sensei just huffs and waits for you to speak out your concerns. You sigh reluctant in addressing the elephant in the room but if you want to graduate from this prestigious school, have standing ovations, and eat strawberry cake for the rest of your life...

it's worth a shot.

"Todo-Sensei, My grades, and talent have exceeded in flying colors since last year. I believe I've improved greatly. This festival is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to showcase my talents. If you won't let me participate in the festival I want to know at least why."


Not the movie

You're literally frozen after he dismissed you, his words echoing inside your mind. 

"Ms. L/N. It's not about how you're proficient in every art but how you don't exceed in a single one. Each person on the committee has honed their talents into exactly one craft because when you focus on one, it'll become everything. That's what the president wanted me to say or something. He gave me notecards to read off of. I think he's trying to say you aren't ready. Bye Bye."



Sighing and exhausted you found yourself in front of Aoi's dusty workshop. You enter and like always he doesn't seem to take notice. 

All of the scattered and abandoned calligraphy created a depressing atmosphere. You pick up the recent one that he just discarded. 

"This one is pretty nice. Can I keep it?"

Aoi just shrugs. 

"So I saw your dramatic presentation at the front of the school the other day when you fainted right after, I know our argument got out of hand a little but I didn't expect you to actually shout from the roof how much you love calligraphy."

Your joke fell on deaf ears. 

"Aoi...Can you at least look at me?"

"Not Right"


"This isn't right"

You sigh. Another failed attempt on his part. 

You decided to leave some leftover lunch that you bought from the convenience store on his desk.

"Bye Aoi, You can text if you need help."

Before you close the door, Kohana comes through with an "Excuse me" so you make room for her.

Suddenly a black stripe of paint is splayed across Kohana's face and on your clothes.

"You...have ink on your face."

Kohana chuckles and looks at you currently fuming with anger. Not wanting to stay there any longer you leave before you do something you regret. 

Before you're out of earshot you could've sworn you heard the word "Sorry" but remember it's Aoi and Kohana is the ray of sunshine who is currently inside that room.


As you're eating (F/N), you get a call. Answering you hear a loud and excited yell of your name being greeted dramatically from Kohana and Juri. 

"Heyyyyyyy (N/N), I'm telling the Aoi and Teika gossip to Kohana and thought you might want to join in?"

"I have nothing better to do. Let's hear it"

Kohana fills you in on why she was going to Aoi's study space in the first place and Teika's rude challenge. 

"Oh, yeah. The eccentric and the king are childhood friends. It's hard to believe, but they used to be great friends.", Juri exposes.

"What?", Kohana exclaims.

You can't help but laugh and add, "I can't see it either like what are they going to talk about?? Their arts aren't compatible at all. What they both have in common is their "quiet" personality."

Juri chides in, "You're right but them being quiet is for totally different reasons, one is because they're focused and the other just doesn't wanna talk to anyone lower than him but now their rivals."

Juri is now stuffing her mouth with food so you add in some stuff, "I think they're candidates for this year's artista prince right?"

"Sometimes they switch ranks."

"Really?", Kohana awes in disbelief. 

Juri continues, "Considering how the "Eccentric" acts he probably doesn't care but I don't know about the king."

"I think the king is pissed." you absentmindedly add while you're cleaning. "Why did you want to know Kohana? Got a Crush?"

Kohana chokes on her food and sputters, "What no! No way! I'm just trying to get Suminomiya to attend the committee meetings. Why were you in his study room Y/N?"

You freeze. "Oh. I had some business to attend to in that area."

"Would you want to join my next attempt tomorrow?"

The invitation from Kohana caught you off guard.

"Yes, I do like to clean"

hehehehe so obviously I was exaggerating. I changed schools again and I have siblings. It's currently 5:34 am. This chapter isn't done but I have a ton on my plate and in order to do the best I need to go to sleep.

Magic-Kyun Renaissance X readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin