Chapter 1: 11 Years Later

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Chapter 1:

11 Years Later

Secretary of defense office - Washington D.C

Tick. Tock.

The large clock on the wall was all that was audible in the office as The Major stepped passed the door's threshold and presented himself in front of the desk.

He stood there silently and watched as the Colonel read over the report on the boy.

After a few minutes, the Colonel coughs into his hand and looks up from the thick file.

"I swear Valentin lives to make my job more complicated." The Colonel said in a deep gruff voice. He was a short portly man, with pale blotchy skin, balding gray hair and battle-hardened brown eyes.

The Colonel pushes the files away and gets up from the thick oak desk and walks over to the drink rack and pulls out a glass.

"What's your thoughts on the Kholer boy?" He asks while filling his glass with a clear brown liquid.

The Major twitches slightly at the mention of the boy's name and a deep scowl forms on his face.

"May I ask, why the sudden interest in the boy?" The Major responds.

The Colonel lumbers back to his desk with his drink takes a seat and considers how to answer the Major's question.

"Have you been keeping up with Valentin's reports on him?" He asks

"No, I gave up on the kid when he took my eye." The Major instinctively rubs at the thick black eyepatch over his left eye.

"Did something happen?"

"No, and that's the problem. Valentin says he has run all the usual test, plus some new... 'creative' ones he came up with, but the boy isn't showing any signs of having an ability." The Colonel takes another long sip from his glass.

"On top of that, the United Nations rep has been on my ass about funding and conditions of the facility. If they find out, we threw a normal child in there for years...we're done."

He downs the rest of the glass and slams it on the desk.

"So... what do we do? We can't just release him. That would just cause more problems." The Major states.

"I know, releasing him is out of the question. But I am recommending him to be transferred from Valentin's level to general population. That way, the boy will at least have a trace of comfort." The colonel draws in a deep breath and a small fiery burp escapes his lips.

"Lord knows what years of only being cooped up with that man have done to the kid's mind."


Evo Rehabilitation Facility – Level 36


A bead of sweat rolls down and settles in a small puddle forming on the stone tiles of the dark, musky cell.

Isaac tightens his grip on the rough metal pipe at the top of the ceiling and, with effort, pulls himself up one more time before letting go and dropping to the floor.

His breath is ragged, a shine of sweat coated his muscled frame, and his thick curly black hair clings to his face. With another quick motion, he moved to the ground and started a round of pushups.


He goes on like this for another hour before standing up, grabbing the black prison uniform shirt off the thin dirty mattress and walking over to the bathroom, which was basically just a toilet and a sink in the far corner of the room. He turned on the facet and ran his face and hair under the light brown water.

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