A new home and gossip

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    The fleet was making is way unknowingly towards the dragon shaped continent.Seafires were patrolling the skies shooting down any grimm that came near the fleet. Jaune went to his cabin on the Victorious looking for the one thing that will help them traverse the seas his scroll. As he turned it on he saw that the news was reporting the sighting of his ships by the fishing boat."And now to the sighting of these strange vessels off the coast of Vale by a faunus fishing vessel.Now sir can you recall what happened on that day?
    F1: Yes we were fishing for some cod when we heard a large explosion like a dust store going off we looked around and saw this grimm sea dragon fighting these weird ships that had these guns on them. One was bigger than the other two and it had 4 large turrets with what looked like 2 large cannons in each one. The two smaller ones also had 4 turrets but 3 guns each. Then we saw these vehicles that looked like bullheads but with one engine and a propeller on the front they dropped what I guessed were bombs and the faster ones fired machine guns at it. After that the ships fired their cannons at it hitting the Grimm and just repeatedly hitting it until the large one finished it off. After that they left we were too shocked to move but I took a picture of the flag on the ships. (Shows naval jack). Thank you. We asked General Ironwood for comment but he has not responded."
    Meanwhile in Vale.
We need to look for these mysterious ships they obliterated a sea dragon in mere minutes something my strongest ships can't even do in a hour said ironwood to ozpin.I believe we have a new player on the board besides us and her should focus on making this new player our friend instead of foe.
   Timeskip brought to you by jaune and oobleck arguing on whether tea or coffee is better.
     Jaune found a old abandoned military port from the great war. It had numerous drydocks and cranes for maintenance of the ships and there were old coastal defense batteries that were in great shape.But the strangest thing he found were some American liberty ships, numerous planes of the RAF,and some tanks and apcs he got an inventory list set up.
x20 Liberty Ships
x2.   Troop Transports
x8.   T2 tankers
x2.    T2 tankers modifed for at sea refuelling
x20 Matilda Mk 2s
x20 Cromwells
x20 Churchills
x150 Spitfires Mk 9s
x50 Gloster Meteors
x100 Avro Lancaster Bombers
x50 Sunderland float planes
x100k SMLE Mk 3
x100k Webley Mk6 Revolvers
x100k Sten guns MkVs
x500.  Sten guns MkIIS
x500.   De Lisle Carbines
x500.  Welrods
And blueprints for ammunition and items listed
     Jaune was surprised at what he found at the base as he knew that these items were from the UK or USA.He thought it was that storm that brought them to remnant was involved as a large amount of equipment was missing the week before he came back. But he praised what ever god or entity as he could put this equipment to great use.
A/N If you want to picture the base imagine a large version of naval station newport from world of warships with a large airfield

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