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Jaune woke up disoriented but quickly recovered as he had to learn what happened and the current well being of the fleet. The other officers on the bridge were in similar states but also were some coordinating the fleet and reorganizing it. As he looked to the starboard of the Victorious he saw the Nelson and Hood both proudly flying the ensign of the royal navy which was waving in the wind.
Jaune not wasting anytime wanted status reports from every ship and for the carriers to launch planes for air cover.
He got on the Warspite as he called a meeting with his officers to plan their next move. Then a panting ensign came running to the room saying that the air patrol sighted a sea monster and it was 50km on from the fleet and heading for it. The ensign handed a recon photo showing the monster to him

Jaune realizing it was a Grimm ordered the Hood and 2 town light cruisers the Belfast and Edinburgh to intercept the beast along with some seafires and barracudas for air support

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Jaune realizing it was a Grimm ordered the Hood and 2 town light cruisers the Belfast and Edinburgh to intercept the beast along with some seafires and barracudas for air support. Jaune transfered to to hood to command the squadron

    Timeskip brought to you by Jaune asking why is the rum gone when the rum ration was discontinued.

The three ships were in a triangle formation with the two cruisers flanking hood.A lookout said"contact unidentified creature bearing 10".The grimm was 20000 yards out and closing. jaune ordered that the ships load high explosive and wait till the barracudas drop their bombs. The aircraft circled in for the kill with the barracudas catching the monster off guard and seafires strafing it with their machine guns. One bomb tore off its right wing and arm.Knowing it was their chance the crews started pummeling the grimm with 6 and 15 inch high explosive.The grimm starting to look like the moon let out one last defiant roar and charged the hood. The mighty ship let one more salvo of 15 inch HE loose and the beast was down. The crews began to cheer as the beast began to sink into the depths and dissolve. The three ships sailed to join the fleet again triumphant but unbeknownst to them a small fishing boat caught them on film the faunas crew stupefied at the performance of the royal navy's finest. the last glimpse wast the navy jack flying in the wind.

A/N school is hell but i will try updating more often but until next time good luck

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