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Jin awoke with a gasp as he jumped up looking at the unfamiliar room. "Wait where am I?" Jin questioned looking around it looked like he was in a cell and he had no idea why. 'Wait' Jin thought trying to remember what happened as memories came flooding back to him of what happened probably hours ago. "I-I got kidnapped!" Jin gasped quickly looking around again but he wad confused seeing himself in a cage?? And a pretty small one to. "What the?" Jin tried to get up but soon regretted it feeling a pain on his leg making him fall down plus the cage was way to small for him to stand up but not to small to be squish him.

'Ow' Jin winced in pain looking down at his leg to see his left pant leg rolled up and his ankle bandaged. 'Crap I forgot they shot me I can't believe they did that! And I can't believe I'm a freaking cage' The black haired male huffed as he crawled to the bars gripping on them and looking around the room once more. It was like some cell to put prisoners in the dirty and dark bricks and the light wasn't really that bright but at least he could see. "I can't believe I got kidnapped I honestly thought I would never be in this situation" Jin said looking at his ankle. He's still trying to progress what's going on right now like why and how did he get kidnapped. Jin doesn't think he did anything wrong to be kidnapped so why is he here. And he's parents knew about this but he was to late was it because of something his parents did or something.

"Hopefully mom and dad are safe...." Jin sighed as he heard footsteps making him look up at a metallic door that wasn't to far away from him hearing the footsteps come closer and closer to his door. Jin quickly laid down on the cell curling himself in a ball and closing his eyes pretending to fall asleep.

The cell door could be heard opening and footsteps could be heard coming towards Jin's cell making him gulp. Shaking of Keys could be heard and something unlocking and opening could be heard which probably was the cage door unlocking and opening. A silent moment came by as Jin tried his best not to open his eyes and try to figure out if the male left or not. But all the sudden Jin felt a fist full of his hair being grabbed and he was dragged by his hair out of his cell making Jin yell in pain opening his eyes and trying to get the male to let him go. But all he did was throw him on the ground and kick him making Jin yelp.

(Btw this is just a random guy none of the members or anything) "I hope you know if you ever run away from us we'll kill you" He said. Jin then held were he got kicked as he saw the male running into him.

All the sudden he remembered something his father told him 'Remember if someone dangerous is coming after you run and get out of their perspective and if you can't get up swipe their feet and make them fall' Jin blinked in confusion for a little bit before realizing what he had to do then all the sudden Jin got up and when the male got close enough his uninjured leg swiped underneath the male making him fall on the ground. Jin backed up in shock a little not believing what he did his body just moved all the sudden without hesitation was that a instinct of his or what. Jin looked down with his hands not knowing that the male got up getting a knife out and ran towards Jin but Jin looked up just in time getting out the way and kicking the male into a small table making the table break and fall.

'Hit no matter what remember everyone had blind spots so hit those and remember our training'



Jin remembers when he was younger when everything was ok when they had a big house a normal life Jin's dad always trained him and always taught him combat training and how to protect himself. He even taught him to shoot a gun! But all that changed when this group burned down their house after that lots of things started to go downhill.

'If I use what dad taught me can I get out of here safely.....well......it's worth a try'

Jin gulped looking at the male who was getting up. "P-please I don't want to hurt you so can you please let me go" Jin pleaded. The male smirked and chuckled pointing a knife at Jin. "Psshh you think I will let you out easily!" Jin ran to the other side of the room but was then caught and then kneed to the stomach by the male making him drop down on his knees. The male kicked Jin's chest making the air get knocked out of him as he fell onto the ground.

Mafia Boy's Property (Namjin) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ