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General Pov : At 9 Caroline and Elena we're waiting for katherine to get out the car .

"So you decide to be like me" Lena said

"Oh please I do it better" kat said with a smirk

" ready" Lena asked

"Ready" care and kat say

Kol POV:
"Damon Salvatore, have we met ?" I turn to look at the other Salvatore

" I've met a lot of people and you don't particularly stand out" trying to end this conversation quickly

I was looking for a snack when I noticed everyone attention towards the door I turned to see what everyone was looking at including my siblings .
I looked at the entrance only to see the feisty lil blonde nik fancy's, Katerina and the new very attractive Petrova doppelgänger. I know who gone be in my bed tonight I thought

Elena POV:
As soon as we walked through the door , I can feel everyone's eye's on us , I know kat & care loves the attention. I looked to my left to see Stefan walking toward us
"What are you doing here" I asked

"I could asked you the same thing" he retorts

"Surprise, surprise. Nice tux" I hear Damon from behind care

"You're not suppose to be here" Damon say

"Too bad , I'm not leaving until I find out what Esther wants" I said

Damon grab my arm
"I said you're not supposed to be here" he said

"I don't give a fuck about what you said" I retort

" Damon let her the hell go" Kat & care said in unison
"I believe they asked you to let go of her" the mystery vampire said
"This is none of your business"Damon said
"Damon i suggest you let go of my doppelgänger" I hear klaus say from my right
"The lovely elena, miss forbes and Katerina here,were invited unlike you and your brother"Elijah say
He slowly let's go of my arm ,and began to walk away when the handsome stranger grabs him

"I'll be careful if I were you, they don't call me the psychotic manic brother for nothing" he whispers with venom before he release his arm

As I began to walk away the sexy stranger stopped me " Kol Mikaelson" he greeted
"Elena Gilbert , it's a pleasure to meet you" I greeted back
"Darling The pleasure is all mines"he says

"You're really hot" I thought out aloud

"Did I really say that aloud"I asked

"Yes" they all answered

"I was always the good looking Mikaelson" kol said

"Lena his ego doesn't need to be boosted any more" klaus said

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