Chapter 18: Valentine's Day in Hogsmeade

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"Did they say if he was okay?" prodded Hermione. Draco seriously considered letting the full weight of his frustration show to Hermione. The witch was his best friend, but if she asked one more time for the details she knew he could not provide, he was going to lose all self-control.

"For the millionth time, Granger," Draco replied, "all I know is that Harry claimed he saw Ron's dad being attacked in his dreams. Harry and the Weasleys have gone to care for Mr. Weasley I don't know anything beyond that. So, will you please stop asking me?"

"I just wanted to be sure Mr. Weasley will be alright," she told him, her apparent frustration seeping into her words. It was no use to dwell on Harry's actions, or wonder whether Harry had just been dreaming the whole time.

Draco deliberately decided to change the subject, inquiring over Hermione's plans for the Christmas break. She was silent for a moment, contemplating her options. "I think I'm going to visit Harry and Ron. I was supposed to go skiing with my mum and dad. But I think Harry and Ron need me more. Besides, I hate skiing."

"Don't your parents miss you when you're spending so much time with the Weasleys?"

Hermione shrugged. "It's been a long time since my parents have understood me, Draco. They haven't cared for the Wizarding World since your dad fought Mr. Weasley in Diagon Alley that day before second year."

"I'm sorry, Hermione," Draco whispered. He wished he couldn't see the obvious plain that small incident had caused Hermione. He wished that his parents understood what Granger meant to him.

"What are you doing for Christmas? You're more than welcome to join me when I visit the Weasleys." Dreaco rubbed the back of his head and emitted a nervous laugh.

"Well, actually, Cynthia is visiting with her parents over the holiday. My mother has been very anxious to meet her as my girlfriend. She's been planning like mad for weeks."

"Oh," Hermione murmured softly, staring at the floor as she took in Draco's words. "I hadn't realized it was that serious."

"Dating is a little different for purebloods," Draco admitted. "We don't really date for the fun of it, it's just always with the end result in mind." Again, Hermione was quiet. Draco wasn't sure what he'd said to silence her. This was a trick he wanted to be aware of, should it become necessary in the future.

"Your parents must like her," Hermione muttered, her voice soft. Draco shrugged.

"They're just glad she's a pureblood."

"Well, you can't defile your sacred blood," Hermione spat. The vehemence that Hermione exhibited startled Draco. This was not how he assumed the conversation would go.

"I don't want to be the person who destroys the Malfoy line," he confessed. Hermione just shook her head at him.

"I'll see you after the break, Draco." And then she was gone, leaving Draco to wonder what just happened.


Christmas break came and went too quickly. It was a pleasant break. Cynthia and her parents had stayed at the Manor for a week. With each passing day, Draco could see the hope and expectation of his future rising in Lucius. They all expected something great to come from Draco's relationship with Cynthia.

"I want to be a Healer," Cynthia had announced one day while she and Draco wandered around the Manor corridors.

"You'd be good at it," Draco commented. He really meant it too. Cynthia had a large capacity for love in her heart and strong desire to help other people. She strove to work hard in all of her studies, devouring knowledge for lunch. All of these qualities would make her an amazing Healer.

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