A morning before school

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Today was the day everyone at the Topaz household dreaded, back to school.

This year the twins were off to middle school, Angelica was now in 5th grade and Heather in 2nd grade.

The two youngest Topaz's were brought to work by their mom and mama, Hailey being a mommy's girl and Aiden being Mama's boy. Cheryl brought Hailey to the fashion studio where she worked and Toni brought Aiden to band practices or photography sessions of weddings and birthdays with Aiden as her apprentice.

Cheryl's POV

I heard my alarm go off and it was so annoying! Uhgg, then I felt light kisses on my shoulder then my neck and I was brought back to reality.

"Morning babe" said my beautiful wife with a voice laced with sleepiness , just as we were about to lean in for a kiss the door bursts open with all our kids, the twins carrying Aiden and Hailey.

"Good Morning mom and mama!!" They all said.

As happy as I am with our big family, it was sometimes a hard keeping up with them, but I love it with all my heart and soul.

"Morning babes" I said as they all went and sat on our bed waiting for their morning kisses, after I kissed them  all I went straight to business "now I want you all dressed and ready after 30 minutes for breakfast after that we'll all go to school or work"

All of them stood up with goofy faces including my amazing wife and said   " yes ma'am" with a salute.

"Go cadets" I finally said as they all filled into one line and walked out the room leaving me with the giggles.

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