"Adds, you okay?" My father said by the door causing me to jump in surprise. My voice felt hoarse by the scream that casted out of my mouth moments ago. "Adds?" I laid there clutching the blanket against my chest with my eyes wide as if it would protect me.

"I.. I'm sorry. Bad dream." I said releasing the blanket feeling silly by the fear that still clung to my veins. "I'm fine." Faking a smile as I tried to still my shaking hands.

"Are you sure?" My father made his way to my side of the bed placing his hand upon my forehead.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said jerking my head back and looking away from the pity in my dad's eyes. "I told you. It was just a bad dream." A sigh sounded from my side as the bed creaked from my dad's weight.

"That's what, your fifth bad dream in the last two weeks." He said and I stiffened. It was true this wasn't the first of my nightmares. Recently they've been coming up more and more but the dream I just had didn't feel like a dream. It was clear just like how everything happens. It felt real. "Are you still scared about moving here?"I frowned nodding my head but I couldn't seem to speak. "Adds, I know it's scary to live in a new town but try to look at the bright side of things. I promise in the long run you'll grow to love this place but you'll never like it if you don't at least give it a chance."

"Sure, yeah okay," I said but I couldn't look into my father's eyes. I couldn't get over the feeling that there was something off about my new town and these dreams as weird as they were, felt like a warning. I couldn't dismiss the overwhelming ominous feeling this town gave me. As much as I hated to admit it though I lived here now. This could all be just in my head and I needed to take my dad's advice if I was ever going to get used to living here.

"How about breakfast. We can go out. Look around our new town. Sightsee a little, what do you say?" Dad said as he drew up the blinds watching as the world outside my window grew red and orange from the sun peeking out from behind the woods.

"Sounds good, dad. I'm going to go take a shower first though." I nodded smiling at the Infectious way my father smiled at me.

"Sounds like a plan, meet me downstairs in seven hundred hours, soldier." I laughed as my dad marched out of my room shutting the door as he went. Leave it to my dad to make me feel better.

My shower was quick, washing away all my worries and even though it stormed the night before the sun hung high in the sky drying most of the wetness from the world. I wore my favorite pair of jean shorts with the sunflower on my thigh and even though I wanted to wear a tank top I couldn't show my back. So I just wore a soft grey plain t-shirt. Since my hair was wet there wasn't really anything I could do with it. So I just put it up into a high ponytail. I wore some black eyeliner and mascara to bring out my eyes and off I went.

My dad was downstairs, outside already, removing the trailer from the back of my Jeep. I sighed knowing we would have to finish putting all our stuff inside once we got back. It was hot the moment I walked outside causing sweat to form along my brow. I walked up to the passenger side of the Jeep looking out to the other side of the woods staring out but It was different this time. I felt no fear or an ounce of the danger I felt the night before.

"Ready to go?" My father said from my side and I nodded not taking my eyes off the woods. A frown marred my face as I stood there wondering if I really was going crazy. The thought still lingered as we drove away towards town.

The path towards town was littered with trees, that decorated both sides of the road. I sat there in my seat with my head upon the window watching them go by amazing at how many trees there were. I sighed at how peaceful this place was. Just as my eyes began to grow heavy we turned left, crossing the bridges just on the outskirts of town. Soon we pulled into a diner bustling with people.

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