"Fear The Assassin With No Master."

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I understand you didn't really see much of Akali in the previous write so I'll mainly base this one around Akali please put in the comments wether you liked the POV or not. I will try to put a little more action in this because I realise the first one might have been a little boring haha

Stupid. Stupid girl. How did I let him get away. Why did I let him get away? I searched for hours for Jhin when his horror play ended. Once again Jhin would not show his face to me. Like the coward he always is. He ran off in his usual explosion. His spray of blood.

I walked back to my inn, I needed a rest. Never again will I sleep on the streets of Elwyern after last time. When I got to the inn I got a strange vibe. Everything looked fine, but there was a strange smell.

The smell became even more pungent the nearer I got to my room, what was that? I was almost coughing when I went inside my room. My room was just as I left it. Thank goodness. Despite the smell never left my room, I finally drifted off to sleep.

Jhin POV

Here it is, she must be in here. I placed my new designed trap, I called it Captive Audience. I placed them all around the inn, it was true beauty. I placed a cloak over my head which obscured my face and snuck into the inn. Room number 13, Some one named Akanam Ali. No creativity, I must show her creativity. I walked into her room.  She was sleeping soundly, it was time for my plan to be put in action...

Akali POV

I finally woke up. Even before I opened my eyes: Jesus Christ what is that smell!? That's when I opened my eyes. My packs had been taken, my clothes save my robe and hood had disappeared, all my weapons were gone, save my kama and a knife. It had been swapped, swapped with roses. The whole room was full of roses. Blood red roses. It took a moment to take it all in. And then I saw a note. I brushed away the roses and read the note.

I thought I might leave a treat for you, Akali. Take it all in. Smell it all. It's just been picked fresh. Fresh as the spring air in our hair. Sometimes, I wonder if you know how I feel, what I think. But after our journey. When this journey ends. You will understands me. You will understand why I do what I do. You have become a part of me. So now it is my turn to become a part of you.

His note sent a shiver down my spine. It really worried me, he was a slippery one, Jhin. And the scariest bit about it is this: he wants to be found...

I looked at the wall in front of me and gasped in horror. I couldn't believe what I saw.

See you at the Kinkou Monastery

I dropped everything I was holding onto. I sank to the floor. Clutching my head.

The walk to my old home was long and monotonous. The only thing that kept me going was the defence of my past. Where I trained for hours on end. But once again Jhins notes remained in my head, the one line: "So now it is my turn to become a part of you.".

It was a long and tiresome journey to the monastery. The relief I had when I arrived faded immediately as the two ninjas at the front gate had 4 bullet wounds in them. Jhin has been here, and struck his first blow. Now it was my turn.

I walked into the monastery. It was dark and quite. But when I turned a corner I stood in horror. The hall was completely red. With blood. His sick mind calls it Beaty. When I got to the training courtyard a seat was laid out in front of the space a voice in the dark said;
"Take a seat, Akali." The voice ordered.

I reluctantly took a seat. The lights began to come up for Jhins horrific performance.

Veera (A student of the Kinkou) was tied up to a pole being covered in flammable liquid from the rafters, I assume that was Jhin. The production then began... Veera began to scream as a match was lit. The oil leaked towards it. I began to stand up but Jhin did not let me...

"I hoped you would try to stand up, now I can show you my favourite part of the show." Jhins voice echoed around the 'Theatre'.

My old master, Master Lenghie hung from a dangling mettle plate. His face was pure panic. He was paler that a white bed sheet. A switch attacked to his chest said 'ignite'.

"Now sit down Akali." I remained seated. Jhin began to narrate the entire play.

"Why was he sad no one knows. He eventually was classed as, a sorcerer." His stage play went on for about 30 minutes, despite this, it felt like an eternity. For the whole thing Veera cried and screamed for help. But I would not kill Master Lenghei.

"And now, for the finale." Dramatic music began to play...

Master Lengheis body began to lower towards the oil.
"Our deal was this: if I stay seated and watch your play, Master Lenghei is not to be harmed!" I screamed in rage.
"I don't remember saying that," Jhin taunted "I remember saying be aware that I have his life in my hands. But no deal was made." I began to seer with rage.

Suddenly the plate Master Lenghei was attached too began to lower. Shit. What Now? With Jhins music still playing I jumped out of my chair and ran for my master, suddenly explosions began all around me. Just like the ones back at the inn.

"I call it captive audience." He jeered.

The ignite lever switched on and a fuse attached to Lenghei set alight. I ran for my Master to free him, Veera would come next. With Veera still screaming and Jhin still laughing I ran at my master in an effort to save him, but before I could get to him, he set alight. He burned alive...

"NO!" I screamed in rage.

Veera was next she too was set alight, with Master Lengheis burning corpse above her she let out her final scream before, she too, became just ashes.

"That's it..."

I leaped towards Jhins laughter. We both fell to the floor with a crash. I unsheathed my daggers and threw five of them at him in an arc, but he swiftly jumped back. I threw a smoke bomb at him blinding him for five seconds. He blindly shot in all directions, narrowly missing me. It was his fourth shot now. His laughter echoed around the courtyard, the slightest movement would have my position revealed and have me dead by the hand of his hextech gun. His fourth shot was empowered with the ability to execute anyone or anything. He took his shot and missed me by centre metres. Now it was my turn to press the attack. I through a shuriken at him, It lodged into his leg I dashed towards the shuriken and slashed him in the leg. He whimpered in pain, though he tried not to show it. I thought I was away unscathed until I saw a bullet wound in my arm. And a finger missing. Suddenly the adrenaline rush had gone and I felt nothing but pain in my arms and hands.

"Be careful..." Jhin spluttered, "wouldn't want that getting... Infected..." he managed a small laugh that bought up blood from his throat. "Be careful. Better not end up like your Master," My eyes widened. "What was his name? Lenghei?"

That's it. I felt a surge of power over come me. I screamed in rage as I ran at him. I drove my Kama through his chest. He began to choke on blood. I then turned around and ran back to him leaving a cloud of dust behind me. I saw Jhin struggle towards the door. Leaving trails of blood. As I walked towards him, he smiled. Why would he smile? He had lost. Suddenly something strapped to my ankle. The hell? It was his last captive audience trap.

"I guess this is good bye. It really shame you never understood me. Sadly instead of blooming like a lotus. You withered. Farewell, Akali." Jhin walked off out of the courtyard smiling.
"Wait! Don't you always show your face to the people you are about to kill."
"I do. But I have a feeling I'm not done with you, I feel like our paths will cross again. And if not-"
"And if not?" I repeated.
"I'll see you in hell..." Jhin did not look back.

I guess that is the Akali part done, I might expand on this further depending on what comments I get, if I get any ha ha. But a comment and a vote would be much appreciated. My next story won't be about League Of Legends. Hopefully it will be about medusa and her story. But after that I will be back to writing about League Of Legends. Anyway, see ya. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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