"In Carnage I Bloom Like A Flower In The Dawn..."

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Jhin POV

I looked at the work of art before me. One of my best pictures yet, such beauty had been put into carnage and a meaningless life. People say I'm sick, I don't do this for fun. I do it so I can put meaning into someone's life. I looked at the man before, me an arm led off in one direction, his leg was on the other side of my canvas, his torso was in the middle with his skull and jaw on opposite side of the canvas and his eyes too the far right and far left. One of my finest works yet. That is undeniable. I couldn't help but smile at my master piece. I did my usual, set off a an explosion of colour and run for my next art work

Akali POV

I finally made it there, I was too late. The poor man had been pulled apart blood sprayed across his garden (or as Jhin would call it, canvas) like the grass was bleeding itself. The kinkou failed at catching this mad man, so I will. I looked for clues. But I found nothing, just when I began to leave I realised something. I looked back at the big picture. He had written everything backwards, the blood on the floor told me where to go.
It read: Someone who understands me. You look at things the same as me. Wouldn't be surprised if you were just like me. We all need time, time to bloom. I rose from the filth that is humanity. It's time you did too. See you in Elwyern.

I had seen all I needed to see now. But one part of what he said "we all need time, time to bloom." would not stop tormenting me. I won't talk to Camille I know the Piltovian police will not care when jhin turns back to Ionia. Besides, I'm perfectly capable of killing Jhin myself.

Camille POV

That stupid assassin has been here, hasn't she. Stupid girl doesn't know when to stop.
"Camille? Camille? Hello?"
I swing my blades back towards whoever was there.
"Oh sorry Danny, I didn't know who you were. Do we have any clues or leads?"
"I'm afraid not mistress, I assure you, we have our best working on it."
"Tell them, if I have no information on Jhins and Akalis where abouts, I'll have all their heads..."
"Yes," Danny gulped, "Camille"

Jhin POV

My next idea will be complex. I continued to walk towards the site of my next picture, Elwyern. Ionia is such a beautiful place, why leave it? When it still has so much potential. My walk to Elwyern was a long one. But I knew I had to be hasty Akali was a smart child. And though she is still tainted by man kind, I must remain to show hope for her. Every time the girl disobeys the Kinkou she gets that bit closer to becoming one of the blessed, one who is able to see clearly.

When I finally arrived at my destination the people looked so happy. I would make them happier.there he was, he fitted the description perfectly, a skinny man with white skin and long onyx hair. He was truly perfect. He would fit my composition perfectly. I dragged him into my theatre. When he finally awoke from his blow to head he had the perfect face for a drama. He was made for my theatre.

"Who are you!? Why am I here!?" The man would not stop shouting, it just gave me more and more inspiration, it showed off his acting skills impeccably.
"Please hush, I must complete this piece."
He did not be quiet.
"This is ridiculous! I demand to be released! I have done nothing to you!" I marvelled at his acting.
"No, you haven't done anything to me, but my clients asked for a show, and so I shall give them one."
"A show?" My my, he may be an actor. But he was also a bloody big fool.
"Yes, a beautiful, beautiful, show..."

Akali POV

Elwyern was not far, what I have longed for for 8 years was not far. Jhins reign of terror over Ionia and its people would be over very soon. Then every part of me that he had driven mad would be all worth it. For what a mad man like Jhin does is, irreversible.

Jhin POV

"I'm so proud of myself, truly I am this time this really is one of the best." Goodness knows why the man was in tears, this was true art.
"Please, please let me go. This is not fair on me, I beg of you. I'm begging you..."
"Why are you crying my friend?"
"Because I'm being tortured, BY YOU!"
"I don't feel there is any need to be rude." But then I realised it. "You are practising? There is no need to. You have fellow actors to support you my friend.
"Fellow actors, fellow actors is what you cal a man without a face anymore."
"It was necessary to ensure you would not be distracted from the art."
"Jhin!" It was a familiar voice this time.
"Akali. Wonderful to see you, my show is starting now."
"No more Jhin, I've seen it all now. The kind of things you do people, you call it cleansing, but true humans see it as murder."
"Sometimes murder and art can be two very similar things. I thought you would've learnt that by now."
"Are you prepared to die, Jhin? Or will you run? Like you always do. Or will you do what is supposed to be done? What you believe is the right thing. Because from where I stand, I feel you are not ready to give up every thing yet. And I thought you lived for your plays and your art alone."
"I do, I do live for my art. Art is what guides me through each passing day. That's why my show must begin!"

I turned off every light save the spotlight which was placed on my lead role and his wife. The play ran so smoothly Akali did what she was told and enjoyed it, she sat still as anything.
"You know," it was my main role speaking this time. It was my cue for the dramatic end to the production. But, he went off script... "I hear that when you finish a production you show your face to the actors." I had to improvise.
"My god I almost forgot!" I strode up to him with pride. I whispered in his ear: "You were one of my favourites..."

With that I put my back to the cheering audience and removed my mask for my actor. My face was the last thing he saw. His scream was what truly lit up the stage. Maybe it wAs my face, maybe it was my production. Or maybe he had finally emerged from the muck. He had had his time. His to be like me. To bloom.

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