Chapter 30 - Checkmate

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He looks over at her and his expression softens, "Even if would rather find other ways to spend our day." I nudge him, as his words are not very appropriate, even if they are true, but Regan laughs and just nods in her 'knowing' way that she has, understanding his double meaning.

"Mr. Cahill," Mason turns to his grandfather. "I'd like to introduce my wife Chandler Cahill." The older man that looks like he just stepped out of a Ralph Lauren ad, just nods in my direction, without saying a word.

The awkwardness of the exchange keeps me from saying anything in return.

Before Mason could ask, Regan explains, "Father decided to join us for lunch, after demanding my secretary tell her where he could find me." She adds, "This was not planned," and glares at her father for a fraction of a second.

"I'm impressed." Mr. Cahill says, but it is clear that his nothing to do with our marriage. "I honestly didn't think you had it in you. You've always been too much like your mother to be very useful in business."

Mason tenses, and I grab for his hand. Not that I truly want to stop him from whatever he wants to do, I just think it's better not to do this in public.

"I thank God everyday that I'm like her - and my dad," Mason bites out in a quiet tone that is anything but friendly. "I don't think I would have the patience I do, if it weren't for her, and I can thank my dad for fortitude to eliminate every obstacle to my happiness. I learned by example."

Mr. Cahill's eyes narrow as Mason speaks about his dad.

"I won't apologize for my actions, but I am sorry it had to come to this," he continues. "I asked you to stay out of my personal affairs. I'm truly sorry that you didn't honor my one request."

The anger rolling off of Mason is steaming, and my fingers hold his. His body relaxes, having finally said his peace to the one person that usually doesn't listen. Regan speaks up to keep either of the men from continuing.

"Well, ok then." She says and tries to smile without showing how elated she is with Mason. Obviously, her father does not miss her joy, as we watch Mr. Cahill drain his drink before standing and walking out of the restaurant.

"He's going to end up a very lonely old man," Regan says as she blows out a deep breath. "You'll have to excuse him, he's used to being the dictator."

She smiles and brings forward her business persona - the bitch, but with a more professional demeanor than she showed at our last lunch. "I was just going over the changes in the company, before you arrived. Or, at least that was what I was trying to do." She motions to the door, and her one looks tells us that she was trying to keep her conversations with her father on a professional level.

"The board approved the subsidiary company?" Mason asks, but I'm a bit lost by the question.

"Yes, it's not final, but they did agree to take the media division and place it under new management." As lunch arrives she explains that her father has been asked to resign as CEO, due to the investigation and possible lawsuit brought on by Mason.

"There were other issues that we'll discuss later, but your accusation has gotten the ball rolling." Regan must sense that I'm out of the loop here, and she clarifies. "Mason has filed charges against my father for discrimination and harassment."

"Discrimination and harassment?"

"Under the law, that is what I could charge," Mason tells me in an apologetic tone for leaving out such vital information.

"I wish I had the guts to do that years ago," Regan says quietly, as if only for herself. "I think I would be a much happier woman, if I had." Her words make me sad as I think about her years trapped in a loveless marriage.

His One RequestHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin