Chapter 4: Punches Thrown

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  "Ahem," Dumbledore started, startling the both of them out of their moment of passion. Embarrassed, Hermione quickly stepped away, ducking her head down, while Draco simply smirked, as if challenging the professor to say something.

"Unfortunately," Dumbledore continued, "I am afraid to say that I do not currently have in my possession all the required materials to brew the cure. You both will simply have to... ermm..." he struggled, finding the right word, "endure... each other's presence until the potion wears off. Until then, I will inform your professors about your current situation. You both can have the rest of the day off today. Go back to your dorms or discuss what you two want to do, and I expect no trouble to come from the both of you. Is that understood?" he raised a brow, yet his eyes were twinkling as he looked at them.

"Yes, Professor," Draco and Hermione replied simultaneously before Dumbledore waved them both off with his hand.

"Oh dear," Dumbledore muttered under his breath as the two of them walked out, holding hands. "Let's hope this all works out."

On the way out, Draco smiled at Hermione, tugging on her hand and pulling her towards the staircase. She felt giddy with excitement, curious to know where he was taking her yet wanting it to be a surprise all the same.

They soon arrived near the Great Lake, the water's surface sparkling under the sun's rays. They walked closer, stopping at a tree near the base of the lake. Draco sat and patted the empty stop next to him. Following the gesture, Hermione sat down and laid her head on Draco's shoulder while grasping his hand.

"It's a beautiful day outside, Drakey," Hermione sighed, looking down at their joined hands. Her heart was thumping wildly in her chest and all she could think about Draco — his silver gray eyes, his slicked back hair, the shape of his perfectly sculpted lips.

"Not as beautiful as you, my baby," Draco replied, staring at Hermione happily with the largest smile she had ever seen on him. "You're the most beautiful princess I have ever had the chance to see in my whole life."

"Aww, Drakey. You're the most handsome prince I've ever seen in my whole life too. Won't you be with me forever and we can live happily ever after?"

"What the bloody hell?" Ron gagged as he and Harry ran over to the pair. "We've been looking everywhere for you after class ended! And then we see you with this ferret," Ron grimaced, pointing daggers at Draco.

"You're missing class, Hermione! We couldn't find you anywhere!" Harry's eyes were bugging out of his sockets at what he was seeing and tried to mentally forget the image. "Come on, let's go!" he said, pulling on Hermione's arm towards the castle.

"Let go, Harry! Stop pulling me away from my one true prince!" Hermione yelled before yanking her arm back, clearly furious.

Draco got up from the ground. "Don't touch my princess like that," he growled, grasping Hermione and tugging her closer to his body. He positioned his body in between hers and Harry's, looking like he was ready to do whatever he could to prevent them from coming closer to Hermione.

"Princess? The ferret's gone mad!" Ron whispered angrily to Harry, exasperated. "We'll touch her however we want to! She's our friend!" Ron shouted before pausing for a long moment to reconsider his words at Harry's disgusted look. "Okay, that sounded quite bad, I didn't mean it like that." This time, Ron stepped around Draco and held Hermione's arm, trying to pull her away from the boy.

"I SAID DON'T TOUCH HER!" Draco roared, eyes blazing. Without a second thought, he brought his arm up from around Hermione's shoulder swiftly connected it to the other boy's nose. Ron fell on the ground with a thud, a look of shock on his face and blood pouring from his nose. "What the bloody fuck is wrong with you? Have you gone mad?" he yelled, anger turning his face almost the same color as his hair.

"Ron!" Harry cried. He quickly crouched down and helped Ron up while carefully trying to avoid the blood dripping down his face.

"Oh Draco, how strong you are!" Hermione hugged Draco tightly, eyes alight with love.

"Mione, how could you? Ron's your best friend!" Harry looked at her surprised and disappointed at the same time. Hermione's grin started to fade, but then Draco planted his lips on hers, erasing any tinge of remorse she felt.

"I'm glad you're okay, baby." Draco smiled at her gently. "I'd do anything for you. I'd cross the seas and back just to be with you, princess."

Harry groaning and looked away to see Professor Sprout walking towards them and yelled for help. In a second, the stout teacher was standing next to them.

"My, my, what happened here? You four should be in class, not dilly-dallying out here!" Professor Sprout exclaimed.

"Draco punched me, Professor!" Ron cried painfully. At this point, he was trying to cup his nose and doing everything to stop it from bleeding. In a couple minutes, a small crowd of students had gathered around all four of them.

"Oh my, Ron. That is quite an injury. You two, take him to Madam Pomfrey. Draco, detention for you! Imagine what your father would say, imagine what indeed." Professor Sprout shook her head, frowning.

"Oh no, Professor! I would much rather go with Draco to detention. I can't imagine having to be away from him!" Hermione exclaimed lovingly. She gave Draco a long kiss, while everyone else who hadn't known what had happened stared in shock.

"Oh... oh my..." Professor Sprout was left speechless after the display.

"It'll wear off soon, Pomona," Dumbledore said, stepping up next to her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "They are currently under the effects of Rosylena, but it will eventually wear off. In the meantime, we can excuse them from detention and any other lessons today. Thank you, students! You may leave now," Dumbledore smiled and walked away.

"But Professor! Can't we skip lessons to keep an eye on them?" Blaise asked, a look of revolt sketched on his face.

"No, just leave them in the Gryffindor and Slytherin common rooms instead of the Head Dorms for the time being."

"But Professor—" Harry really didn't want to let Hermione out of his sight, nor Draco for that matter. He didn't trust what that ferret would do to her.

"Let it go, Harry, and go to class," Dumbledore said, giving him a small smile.



hi guys! we wanna say sorry about the hiatus. we even wrote more than we usually do. tbh, we're probably gonna update really slowly, unfortunately, but things that you have to wait a long time for always taste sweeter, right? i probably made that up hahaha but it's true.

thanks for reading!

maya & violet :)

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