Day Ten - I Know Your Brother's Name

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Before I knew it, my alarm was screaming at me. I had only intended to take a nap for an hour or two before I worked on my homework last night.

Now it's nearly six-fifteen in the morning and my homework still isn't finished.


I jabbed my finger against the off button of the alarm clock to get it to shut up. I unhooked my phone from its charger. When I turned it on, a message from Ryan popped up in the screen.

'Jessie said yes.'

I did tell him to let me know what she said when he asked her, but for some reason, part of me didn't want her to say yes.

I set my phone back on my nightstand without replying, then rolled out of bed and moseyed down the hall to the bathroom.

"Olivia, Greyson will be here in fifteen minutes, don't take too long!" I heard my brother shout from the other side of the door.


I quickly showered and returned to my room to get dressed. Today, since the sun was shinning and the weather forecast looked promising, I decided to wear my favorite short-sleeved, light grey and white striped dress with a pair of white lacy flats. The dress's length reached just past my knees so it was safe for the school's dress code. I topped off my outfit with a little bit of eye makeup and a messy bun.

I grabbed my bookbag and slung it over my shoulder, then headed downstairs.

"There you are, I was just about to call for you." Marcus stated once I reached the entry way. "Greyson just pulled up."

"I must have awesome timing." I laughed.


The two of us walked out the door to Greyson's Mustang.

On the ride to the café the boys chatted amongst themselves while I sat silently in the back seat.

The sun's rays poked in between the tree branches as they prepared to warm up the day.

Once at Martian's café I pulled out my homework and began working on it while we waited for our food.

"I thought you would've had that done last night, Princess." Greyson stated.

"I would've, but I fell asleep."


"I have a council meeting after school today." Marcus informed.

Greyson nodded in acknowledgement. "Alright, we'll wait for you."

"You two don't have to, I'm not sure how long the meeting will take."

"Marcus, we're going to wait for you." Greyson insisted.

Marcus chuckled. "Fine."

Marcus and Greyson continued to chat while I worked on my homework. Eventually our food arrived and the two of them started eating.

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