Day One - I Go To Your School

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"Olivia! Ryan is here!" Marcus yelled up to me from down stairs.

Marcus is my older brother who is only a year ahead of me and attends the same high school as I do.

"Coming!" I called back to him just as I ran down the stairs to find Ryan waiting for me at the front door. His curly brown hair looked lightly combed. He usually wears contacts but today his bright green eyes were hiding behind his black framed glasses.

Ryan and I met way back in kindergarten and we've been best friends ever since.

"Good Morning, Liv." Ryan greeted with a bright smile.

"Morning." I returned the greeting.

"Are you ready?" Ryan asked.

"Yes, let's go before we run out of time for coffee."

"I'm ok with not having coffee, that stuff is gross." Ryan teased.

I gasped. "How dare you insult the best beverage on the planet?!"

Ryan laughed. "I'm sorry, lets go." He opened the door for me.

"Marcus! We're headed to the café!" I informed my brother, who was in the kitchen.

"Alright! Greyson will be here soon; he and I will meet you guys there!" I heard Marcus call back.

"Ok." With that I stepped out the door with my bookbag strapped to my back and Ryan behind me.

"Olivia, are you excited for the Valentine's Day Dance?" Ryan asked as he walked along side me.

"Eh, I don't know if I really want to go."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't have anyone to go with." I told him.

"I could go with you if you want me to." Ryan offered.

"That's sweet, Ryan, but we always go to the school dances together. Wouldn't you rather get a girlfriend and take her, instead?" I asked while we walked along the sidewalk to Martian's Café.

Martian is the owner of the local café, hence the name, which is located only a few blocks from our house. Martian is also good friends with my parents, he's known them since before Marcus and I were born.

"Nope, I don't mind going with my best friend." Ryan replied.


"Yes, seriously." Ryan paused and looked over at me. "Why? Who would you want to go to the dance with?"

"Well, nothing against you, but I would like to go to the dance with either David or-"

"Wait, David? David Meyers?" Ryan interrupted.

"Yes, why?"

"Trust me, you don't want to go to the dance with David." He warned as the two of us stopped in front of the café.

"Why not?"

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