Chapter eight

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A few months had passed since I found out I was pregnant with Levi's child. I'm at my 4th month of my pregnancy. I walk down to the mess hall to find Levi, Erwin and hanji having a meeting about something which doesn't seem to be important. I had decided to listen in on their conversation by hiding behind the door.
"Yes? Hanji?"
"Do you have any gender preference on what your kid is going to be? Since (F/N) is almost at a point in her pregnancy where we'll be able to sex the baby to see if it's a boy or a girl"
"Well if I'm going to be honest I don't really mind if it's a boy or a girl, (F/N) and I have been talking about this a lot recently and we both think as long as it's healthy we don't care what gender it is"
"Awwww! You two are goals! Anyways I have an idea on something"
Levi raises an eyebrow at what hanji had just said. "What's your idea four eyes?"
"Well.... I think we should have a bet on what the baby's gender is?"
"That's not a bad idea hanji, personally I think it's going to be a girl"
"Why do you think that Erwin?"
"Well hanji, it's just more or less a gut feeling really ok why. Anyways what do you think it'll be hanji?"
"I think it'll be a boy! My reason is because then we'll have another midget in our squad!"
"Hey! Four eyes I think that's irrelevant in determining this kids gender, I agree on Erwin I believe my child is female I have no reason why but I just have a gut feeling I guess"
"Sooo basically you have the same opinion as Erwin?"
"Pretty much"
They go on about this for a while so I end up going outside just to get some air, I sit down on a bench and rub my stomach "oh? I've not realised how big my stomach has gotten in the past few months" my stomach grew every single day and I never really noticed how big I had gotten until then. I've yet to even feel my baby kick or even move about yet which is strange since I've heard it is between 3-4 months when this happens. About 2 hours later I'm still sitting on this bench and Levi walks towards me and sits down right next to me. He places his hand on my stomach and smiles a little.
"So? Any movements yet?"
"None, I've been trying to take hanji's advice on this but I'm getting impatient now"
"Don't worry, our baby will kick at some point I just know it" Levi begins to rub my belly as I notice something. I felt this weird sort of feeling in my stomach, it felt like someone had just hit the insides of my stomach. I immediately look at Levi and smile
"Levi! Did you feel that? Our baby kicked!"
"I did! I guess our kid was waiting for me after that long ass meeting hanji arranged"
Levi kisses my check and we continue to sit there on the bench for a few more hours before heading inside and going off to bed.

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