Many Tears

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"Yes, yes -I'm just drowning in my luck right now." I sarcastically joked, and we started laughing.

We stayed in conversation for a while, talking about our new-found knowledge of Kriss, Maxon and Daniel - the guard Celeste fancies, and just joked around. We were practically rolling around laughing, tears forming, when a knock at the door jolted our attention.


Celeste and I look over in unison as Maxon rushed in.

"America are you okay, my love?" Maxon asked, his voice laced with worry. "What happened?" He pulled me into a hug, and we stayed there for a moment. It was nice and warm, when a certain someone cleared their throat behind us.

Maxon turned around, just noticing a smug Celeste sitting at the end of my bed.

"Uh-uuh Celeste I-" he stuttered, not sure of how to respond. Oh, I forgot he didn't know she knew about us. It made the situation funnier.

He took a quick glance at me, his expression changing to confused when he saw the amusement dancing around in my eyes. Then he looked back at Celeste who was also on the verge of busting with laughter.

He creased his eyebrows, determined to figure out answers. Something about the adorable confused expression on Maxon's face pushed us over the edge, and we started bursting with laughter all the while Maxon stared, dumbfounded.

"I-I don't understand?" he said. I took his hand in both of mine, trying to control the stray giggles still escaping my mouth. "Maxon, my dear prince, don't worry-she knows." I said with a smile.

"She knows?" he asked, and I could read the question dancing around his mind.

"Yes, but no I didn't tell her-or anyone for that matter, I just don't think anyone could hide a ring from her." I said, giving Celeste a goofy smile.

"It's true." she chimed in, holding her head high with a silly grin.

Maxon nodded, "I see. How did you get hurt, love?" he asked.

Before I could answer, though, Celeste made a sound between a snort and a laugh and said, "She tripped on air."

"Did not." I said as I threw a pillow, but a stray giggle escaped my mouth.

He chuckled, "Are you free right now, or would you like longer to rest?" he asked, worry for me still evident in his voice.

"Oh no, I don't want to rest at all." I said, sticking out my tongue. He chuckled again deeply, and I flushed. "Okay," he continued, "Well I would normally suggest walking in the garden, but considering your ankle...." he cleared his throat, " So I was thinking we could spend the rest of the day in the library."

"That sounds amazing," and then I frowned, " but I'd have to use my crutches to move downstairs." Just the thought of trying to walk with crutches on normal floor seemed awful, not to mention attempting to crutch down the stairs with them.

"Not necessarily." He said with a mischievous grin. Huh? What other way is there? I decided I'll find out in a minute anyway, so I shrug it off.

"Can Blue come?" I ask, Blue and I both giving him simultaneous puppy eyes. I've grown really attached to him over the past week, he's like my baby now.

"I suppose so." he said with a smile. He stood, and I followed, making sure my injured foot idn't touch the ground.

"Maxon, how are we getting there?" I asked, still confused.

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