The Diary (Part 1)

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I ended up spending the day playing with Blue. By the end of the day I taught him to sit, stay, come, roll over, and some other basic commands, while sitting on the floor or on the edge of the bed, making sure be quiet---the other girls' rooms are close by.

By the time lunch rolled around I could hear the girls' doors open. I guess they're starting to go to meals in the Dining Hall again. I had half a mind to quickly go into the halls, greet them and tell them that I'm back but I decided against it. I would just hold them up. Instead, as lunch was brought to my room, I decided to wait until tomorrow to see them.

The day breezed by. I found myself going over and sitting on the piano stool just to stand back up about five times. I should probably try to be quiet, the other girls' rooms are close by. Instead I decide to plan when I see them tomorrow, since they still don't know that I'm back. I wondered who even knew I was gone.

I remember Maxon saying I should to hide the engagement ring. He said we should keep it a secret for now. Besides a handful of close friends, no on knows. Yet. It wouldn't be smart to make it public right now, with the king's wrath, the press, and the list continues. I agree, no one wants the king's wrath.

Dinner is brought to me, and I decide to eat on the balcony. The sun setting and warm breeze was a familiar comfort. Something I had missed a bit. Even before I was kidnapped I hadn't done this in a while. I take a moment to breathe in the warm air, feel the light of the leaving sun warm my face. After a few minutes I finish eating, and I decide to pick an outfit tomorrow, and try to figure out how to hide my ring. I really was bored, wasn't I?

With the help of Blue, who was nudging his nose at the dresses he liked, and a lot of time with process of elimination, I had managed to pick a soft, light, sort-of stretchy baby blue day dress. I decided to pair it with short, white laced gloves that are cut at wrist to mid finger, so it hides my ring decently, besides a little bump barely visible where the ring is. I wouldn't normally care about what I would wear, but I was bored and decided to name this a special occasion.

I lay the clothes out at the end of my bed neatly, and flop down face first next to it. After a few minutes I begin to fall asleep to the sound of Blue's light snoring beside me.


I woke up earlier than usual. Blue was still sleeping in a small ball on the pillow and I decide to let him sleep. Its only 8:46, and I planned to see the girls at noon. Great. I need to find a way to occupy my time for now.

I decide to shower first and collect my thoughts. I don't think I've showered myself since the Selection started, the maids did. After I finish showering I dry off and replace my bandages After I get into the outfit I had laid out the night before. I use up a few minutes putting on a light blush and eyeshadow, and a bit of lip-gloss, and tidy up my room a bit while singing quietly to myself.

When I was done with everything it was around11:50. I debated on waiting the ten minutes, and in the end decided against it. The times' close enough. I speed-limp out the door, leaving Blue to sleep on the bed, he needed his rest and I was only going to be just down the hall. When I went to round the corner I bump into something---someone, and loose balance falling to the floor. I heard metal clinking and things falling to the floor.

I look up and a blonde girl, not more than fifteen years old was staring, wide eyed in a 'oh gosh what have I done' look at the ground. She had dropped two metal trays with what looked like medical tools that were on them. Was someone hurt? I hope not.

Once she realized what had happened, she grabbed the medical supplies and started to put them on the two trays, then she stood up and dusted herself off. Once she realized it was me who she bumped into she was a flurry of repeated "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry Miss Lady Ma'am America. Miss."

I giggled bit and helped her gather the things that fell. She was red with embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it. It was my clumsy feet." I said. It really wasn't her fault though. I laughed again. I would be one to trip over air so all odds really point to me.

She lighted up a bit, but still looked very tense. After the tools were back on the tray I asked, "What's your name?"

Obviously surprised by this she to a second to respond.

"Uh, m-my name is Doctor Ashlar." She said the last part with a tentive pride. Wait, Ashlar? What?

"I'm....confused." I said. Is there another doctor named Ashlar?

"Oh darn I did it again. I mean Assistant doctor Ashley Ashlar. Miss Lady America Ma'am" she quickly added the last part, blushing again in embarrassment.

"Oh don't worry, you can just call me America." I said. "So Ashley Ashlar, huh?"

"Oh, yes, um my parents named me that because they decided to humor me - and our last name." she said with a shy giggle. I giggled too. Ashlar couldn't have been more close of a name to Ashley. Me laughing seemed to lighten her up a bit more. She was a really nice girl.

"That explains it. I thought Dr. Ashlar had turned into a lady." We laughed for a few seconds, but then she corrected, "I'm not a lady, just a girl." and shrugged. She's so polite, but thinks so little of herself. It reminded me of me back home......minus the polite part. I sat that last part and decide to correct her.

"No, you are a lady. A lady has manners and apologizes for my clumsy feet even when it was not any of her fault." I said matter-a-factly with the same smile.

She smiled back and bowed. "Excuse me Mi--America, I have to got to doctor training with my dad." she bowed again and I returned the favor. She got confused by this, "Why was an Elite bowing to me?" but smiled and carried on walking.

So I sat there, on the ground, trying to remember what I was doing and trying to get my ankle to stop throbbing as I got up.

"Wait!" I spun around before she could get far. It occurred to me the girls might not be in their rooms, and I was told to stay off of my ankle as much as possible. "Do you know where the Elite are?" I ask.

"They're playing cards in Lady Celeste's rom." she said, bowed again, and went on her way.

"Thanks." I said, limping away as well.

Celeste's room wasn't that far away, but due to my ankle it took me about seven minutes to get there. As I got closer, I could hear friendly chit-chat, but something was different. Their voices didn't carry much happiness. Was it because they thought I was still being held hostage? I also saw that the door was open.

I took about five minutes debating what to say, if this was a good idea, and what would happen. I wondered if Celeste was really genuine when she looked worried for me. I wondered if they even cared if I was gone. After all: less competition for them.

No, I thought. They are my friends, or at least close acquaintances. I need to focus on the good.

I put a small smile on, adjusted my gloves to hide the ring better, and walked into the open doorway. I stood there for a second while nobody noticed while they played card games, and so with a small voice asked, "Hey, can I join?"


Ahhhhh! So sorry I haven't posted in a while---busy week :P Anyway there is a part two of this chapter of the story- and it actually has the diary in it so no this is not clickbait :) Also sorry for the not--so--interesting chapter, but that's only because the next part is going to be full of dramaticness. Is that a word? Anyways thanks for reading! :)

Hugs and Love <3


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