The Very Best Something | Chpt 34

Start from the beginning

"I can swim."

"I'm afraid you cannot," he said, shoving me suddenly into the shallows of the water. I felt a wave come and sweep me up with some of the grass, sucking me down, deeper into the water. Blood trailed away from my clothes, the blood Lance had gotten on me, and water forced its way into my lungs. I swished forcefully through the water with my arms, but to no avail, I was suddenly drowning like he said.

But I'm dreaming, I can't die in dreams, I'll die in real life. I'll just wait until I awake. I felt myself sink to the bottom, my heart rate slowing. I woke up suddenly coughing up water into the wet grass, mud on my clothes and hands. I collapsed back, breathing heavily.

"Perhaps, maybe you can swim," I opened my eyes to see Lance shadowed by the sun, his face shaded. I sat up and he stepped back. All the blood was gone.

"I'm dreaming."

"Perhaps you are."

"What do I do about it?!" I asked.



"Doing nothing often leads to the very best something," he said, glancing at the water and then me. "You, achieved the very best something, being alive."


"You did nothing while drowning, and from that, the very best something came."

"How are you being so cryptic?"

"We all tend to escape things, as you did earlier. You followed your instincts, following me. Thinking whatever inside was after you as well, but rather in fact there was nothing at all. You ran when you didn't have to run at all."


"You, are fearful, and analytical. You saw your chance and you left. You escaped nothing. When you escaped that nothing, you began drowning."

"You pushed me!"

"You began drowning, and instead of fighting and trying to run away from if, you did nothing, and the very best something came."

"Lance what are you—

"You run away from everything, perhaps that's what you did with me. Ran away, instead of letting things happen the way they should've. By doing nothing. The best shall come for those who do nothing, and wait."


"Stop running (y/n)." My name echoed out, and my heart began to race heavily, my own name ringing in my head. I gripped at my ears, shutting my eyes tightly.

My eyes suddenly shot open, my name still ringing out, clearer this time. My breath was shaking in my chest and as I exhaled, my stomach shrinking as my hands struggled to grip something at my sides. My lips and mouth were dry, water however dripping down the side of my face.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n) are you alright?!" I blinked once, noticing now the gentle shake of my figure under hands which were gripped along my biceps. Nifflers skittered around me in slight panic. Lance crouched in front of me, Alfor beside him.

"Hello?" I called out and Lance let out a sigh.

"Are you alright? What happened?" He asked.

"I was dreaming?"

"More like nightmare by the looks of it, come on, let's get you up and to the infirmary," he offered and I slapped his hand away.



"There's nothing wrong with me," I said, standing.

"(Y/n), you should go and make sure," professor Alfor said and I again shook my head, excusing myself to the hallway. The sky out was dark and gloomy for most likely only 4 or 5 pm, and the window in my dream was not broken. I approached, noticing the courtyard outside. This had not been in my dream. I wiped away sweat and worry with the back of my hand.

"(Y/n)?" I glanced back; Lance stood a good distance away.

What had he said in my dream?

Stop running away: What did that mean?

"What happened?"

"I was passing by his classroom and I saw you passed out along the wall, fidgeting around," Lance explained. "I went to go get Professor Alfor and we tried to wake you."

"I am awake now, there is not need to worry."

"But your dream! Don't you want to do something about it? Talk about it?"

That's what he meant.

I kept running away from these things, my feelings clouding my judgement. Instead of letting something come to me, I sought it out, pushing things away when the something never came for me.

"Doing nothing often leads to the very best something," I murmured.

If I ran away, and didn't let life go along it's course, then something would never come. I glanced up at Lance, the very best something.

"Yes. I want to talk about it." He glanced at me surprised, nodding. Nyma may feel threatened, and I in no way intend to steal Lance from her. I know that, and so does she. So to run away like this, is hardly the answer.

The answer is simply, to do nothing.

Okay so I MAY have stole that form Winnie the Pooh, but I love Winnie the Pooh so damn much so like don't @ me.


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