Chapter 9: One Down, How Many More To Go?

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Fun fact: My uncle, Aiden Winters, works at the police station as a detective not a cop. And because of this distinct difference, the other cops pick on him.

It just so happens he does more cases than them, just so happens he's solved more cases then them too. It also just so happens he's the first person I see at the station. He has a file under his arm and he's walking briskly, it looks like he's headed for the squad room he once told me about.

I tail him by following along the shadows on the walls. Inside the squad room, there's the murder board and on it is a picture of Ashley's body, her family and her school picture. My uncle sits down in a chair and puts the folder in the middle of the table.

He cracks his knuckles. The seven  other officers look at him with contempt. "What do we have Stevenson?" my uncle asks. A scrawny looking male officer answers my uncle with, "Well sir, the coroner said she died of strangulation sometime between the hours of 12-12:30 am. The coroner also says she had no alcohol in her system. There were no signs of sexual assault despite her clothes being torn.  She must have known her killer because there was no signs of  forced entry". He finishes and stares at my uncle.

Uncle Aiden looks at the board before speaking. "What about that black eye she's got?" It's Stevenson who answers him again. He flips paper through a clipboard before finally finding the page. He clears his throat, " A student at the school said that Miss Reynolds had gotten into an altercation with..." He pauses, his voice breaking. "With....your niece sir".

I wince. Damn, wonder who told him?

My uncle nods, filing this information for later. He grabs the file and opens it. He flips through the medical examination, the parent's police report and the police officers arrival before speaking,

"Listen up, we have a killer in our midst and I have a feeling he isn't done.  We have to question everyone and anyone  who had contact with Miss Reynolds."

He clenches his jaw. "If that means questioning are own families then so be it. Miss Richardson was just his first victim, this murder was premeditated and so are the others and trust me  there will many others, the question is how many?".

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