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In your room you threw on some casual clothes appropriate for the late summer weather. Then you sat down in front of your mirror and brushed your hair, styling it a little bit before you did your everyday make up. You put in slightly more effort than usual, though you couldn't exactly point out why. Maybe because you wanted to make a good impression on the royal aliens?

When you were satisfied with your look, you left your room and returned to the kitchen, where Blue and Pearl stood, a concerned expression etched on their face. Before you could say anything, Blue spoke up.

"What did you mean by the 'Zoo'?" she said slowly "I mean, we do have a Zoo, but... I don't think - I hope - they're not the same..." she looked to the side, one of her hands cupping her cheek in a worried gesture. You didn't really understand what she meant by that, but you shook off the weird feeling her statement gave you and instead you responded to her question directly.

"A Zoo is a place where we keep animals. Ehhhh..." you thought of a way to explain what an animal is, since so far Blue referred to both animals and humans as 'organics'. "Other organic beings that live around us. People can go and look at them, but they're kept in cages, as most of them are dangerous."

Blue nodded in understanding "Oh, right. That makes sense." she smiled almost in relief and started moving towards the door, Pearl not far behind her. "Let's go then, I can't wait!"

You followed them after grabbing your wallet and keys. You decided you would ask her about the alien Zoos they mentioned at a later time, since something about the way she said that still left you with a weird feeling.

When you got outside you motioned towards your car. "This way ladies." You unlocked it and got inside on the drivers side, as Blue and Pearl followed you. Blue sat next to you, her head touching the ceiling and Pearl sat in the back in the middle seat, her hands neatly folded on her lap.

"Amazing. This machine of yours is so... primitive..." Blue wondered out loud as she ran her hand across the dashboard. You nodded uncertainly. "I guess? It's not the newest model by far... oh, you should probably strap in. It's safer that way, in case of an accident."

You buckled your seat belt, Blue and Pearl following suit, fiddling with it for a while beforehand. "I know for a fact that an accident would not harm me in any way, but I suppose it's better for our disguise as one of your kind." Blue stated.

You shrugged, not even phased that she would be some kind of indestructible. "Yeah, well, at least I won't have to pay a fine for you not wearing it." you laughed shortly.

And with that you were off. 



I'm sorry I haven't updated for a while, but a mixture of irl stuff and no inspiration kept me from writing. This chapter is a little shorter, but I plan on pushing out chapters more consistently now. I definitely want to finish this story, so don't worry, I won't be dropping it.

Love you guys~

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