The Scandals are Still Sealed

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I can't believe this, all my plans went bad and Carey was the reason that my problems got from bad to worse, and I had to tell her the truth because everyone told me to do it, first Ethan told me, then Taylor told me and now Sabrina told me, I'm really stuck in a middle of something big and also in a scandal that Ethan still doesn't known yet, I'm worried now that Carey knows about my friendships, she could starts spreading everything about this, for now I'll be in a big hole and I don't know what should I do now, I need solutions and a advices now!!!!!



- ''I was hanging out with Sabrina Carpenter and Ethan Slater all along'' I said telling the truth to Carey, but she didn't believe me about it

- ''Is this like a kind of joke in which I'll fall soon?'' Carey said with her arms crossed

- ''It's not, I was actually meeting with Sabrina Carpenter and Ethan Slater, I got a close friendship with them and...'' I said as Carey interrumped me

- ''I can't believe it, you, a girl from a small town, hanging out and passing time with a celebrity and a Broadway actor, hope you're really joking, because this is incredible'' Carey said trying to not believe it because she was really shocked about the news

- ''I wish it would be, but it's not, I meet up with them everytime, this is why I disappeared everytime and also why I left the stadium, because I was with Sabrina that moment, she invited me to dinner'' I said

- ''And let me guess... the guy you were hugging and kissing that moment at Siena's house it was really...'' Carey said as I complete the sentence

- ''Ethan Slater? Yes, it was him, your friend Siena has a Broadway actor as her next door neighbor, and you didn't even notice it'' I said explaining to Carey

- ''Really? Wow, I was really blind that moment, but why you didn't tell me about it?'' Carey said

- ''Because I promised to them to keep it up, in order to not get spreading all over the media to avoid scandals, but I guess I made things worse, besides you won't understand this type of stuff'' I said

- ''Oh Leni, of course I would understand, you're my best friend, I always had your back since ever, remember when you got a crush on a guy called Greyson Youth back in Texas?'' Carey said reliving memories

- ''Yeah, I remember, that guy Grey was really a hot guy, I tried to win his attention and with your help and tips, I got a date with him until later that he moved out to Bloomington, MN'' I said

- ''Yeah, I was really helpful to be there not matter what, I had always support you in your decisions, I gave you advice about everything and even cover up for you in every type of situation, because this is what true friends are'' Carey said while I was trying to not cry

- ''I know, I'm really happy that you're my best friend, I'm sorry for everything I hide from you'' I said

- ''Me too, and I'm sorry for overreacting about this subject, I was really worried that I might lose my best friend because of what this city did to you'' Carey said

- ''You won't lose me, I'll still be your friend and this city is not gonna change that'' I said

- ''I know, and I'm glad, love you bestie'' Carey said

- ''Love you too bestie'' I said as we hugged and cried at the same time, I was really happy that we made up after all we been through, but in order to win her friendship back, I had to do something nice for her

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