Scandals are the Worst

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I can't believe it, first Sabrina's scandal came trendy because she was hanging out with me last night and we were just talking about our things, and then someone took pics of us to later posted it on the media, I can't believe someone is doing that, but why? Is that person against Sabrina, because I think it does, and now is attacking Ethan, what that person think he or she is to attack my idols, first I thought this was the end of the scandals, but no, this is just the beginning, I have to find out who is it before both of my idol friends's reputations falls, I need a plan.


While in Sabrina's dressing room....

I was reading all the article about Ethan's scandal and I'm surprised that I appeared there in the pics as the ''secret lover'', I have to stop this now, but I can't leave because Sabrina is in the Meet and Greets right now, I have to wait when she comes back because I need to tell her about the Ethan situation, so I escaped from the dressing room to spy a bit as I saw Sabrina meeting with the fans, so I came undercover to see her waving to her fans.

- ''Hello everyone, thanks for coming to my concert, glad you got a great time, it means a lot to me, and hope you're enjoy your fries because we're gonna have a great time tonight'' Sabrina said talking to her fans as everyone screams

- ''So, you're here because you paid for a exclusive VIP meeting with me, so we can chat, hang out and send me questions so I can answer'' Sabrina said sitting down while everyone were ready to prepare the questions for her and I was hiding behind the curtain to see what happens there

- ''Okay, I'm ready to answer your questions, so I'm choosing...''Sabrina said as everyone raise their hand, and she started picking a fan, as she choose one girl from the bottom as she stands up and said her question

- ''Hi, I'm Yaley, I'm from Dellwood, New Jersey, and I'm a big fan of you'' Yaley said introducing her while Sabrina was happy

- ''Hey Yaley, what's your question?'' Sabrina asked her

- ''How did you got inspired to write your songs? Because they are inspiring and amazing'' Yaley asked her

- ''Actually, some of my songs are inspired by events that happen to me during my life and inspired by some celebs and people that I admire so much, some of them are Christina Aguilera and Rihanna, these are my queens, next question'' Sabrina said as everyone raised again and she was choosing another person, as she choose one from the front

- ''Hello, I'm Chris, I'm from Queens, New York, I have a funny question, have you ever messed up on stage? Just asking because I need something to laugh'' Chris said laughing as Sabrina smiles

- ''No actually, well.... just once a year ago when I was on stage in Seattle, I bumped into a small staircase and I almost fell off, but thank god I'm okay, I thought the show was ruined but it didn't, but it was a funny moment'' Sabrina said laughing as everyone laughs too

- ''Next question'' Sabrina said as everyone started to raise their hands again, and she chooses Siena, in which it was one of Carey's friends, as I was a bit nervous because she may ask her about the scandal

- ''Hello, I'm Siena, I'm from Clinton Hill in Brooklyn, my question is... I saw on the news and social media that you were hanging out with someone at Bryant Park 2 days ago, and people think you have a mysterious friend... is that true?'' Siena asked as Sabrina got fustrated, while I leave the curtain and I went inside the crowd while Sabrina watched while she was nervous to answer so she confessed everything

- ''Well.... that's a interesting question.... I'll tell you the truth, that scandal that came a few days ago it was just a fake rumour, I don't have a mysterious friend actually, it was me and my sister Sarah hanging out together as sisters'' Sabrina said spilling everything as Siena started thinking

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