Mine and only mine

Start from the beginning

Not leaning back or pushing me away.

I smirked internally.

"Is that why you are here Jiminie...?" I asked him breathing down in his ear and smirked when he gasped at the nickname.

"You want to practice you say?" I say now almost hovering over him and somehow Jimin shrinks even more - if that is even possible. Jimin nods hesitantly and I feel mildly impressed at my brother's resolution but now the jealousy has settled in my heart and I know it won't take much time before I lose control and my baby brother will all too well want me to lose control.

"Then why didn't you just go to the club and kissed a random girl Jiminie?" I drawl my voice out, soft but low because I wanted to know what kind of effect that would bring and I could clearly see the Goosebumps rising on my brother's arm, he bits his bottom lip and that makes me secretly want to groan but I keep my cool.

I knew it wasn't long now anyways.

"Do you really want to practice kissing or you just want to feel your Hyung's mouth your pretty lips?" I said and now Jimin is squirming under my gaze and I am literally trapping him with my body, hands behind my back but still making him shrink even more.

"Be honest to me Jiminie, Hyung doesn't like being lied to. It can turn really bad." I say and he looks up then to catch my eyes and then and he gasps.


[~Jimin 1st P.O.V~]

My brother's eyes are dark and pupils dilated, a gasp escapes my lips which make his eyes darken even more. I can't discern which emotion his eyes show and I am miffed at it to be honest, I know that the only person who knows The Jeon Jungkook to the core is me and I take pride in this but in this locked room with him hovering over me which makes my heart beat deliciously against my chest, I cannot fathom what emotion is underlying in his eyes.

I have to answer though but unfortunately I don't know the answer myself.

Why did I suddenly ask him to kiss me when all I wanted was to go into his room and talk about his day?

But the moment I walked in, I saw my brother with dyed black hair which made him look even more hot than usual and I know it is a sin to think about one's brother like that but I am already beyond caring about the fact that we're brother when I found out I was adopted.

Hyung thought I was heartbroken but actually I was happy that we are not related and that my not so tiny crush on my own brother has a chance to grow.

I need to tell him that I don't like no woman, probably even tell Hyung that I haven't even masturbated on my own, kissing someone and asking for practice was a thing really forwards.

Hyung was right, I just needed to feel his mouth on mine and I want him to do me the best and worst way possible but how can you tell your brother that you want him to fuck you ruthlessly.

You can't.

'Because not everyone's sick like you Jiminie...' I internally sob as I hear the voice in my head using my precious nickname in such a mocking way that it physically hurt.

"Tell me Jiminie... why did you ask me to kiss you baby?" I gasp at two things, three actually, one being that Jungkook Hyung is practically growling now and somehow this stirs something inside me that stirs up whenever I had stared at Hyung too much when he's working - out or when sometimes I walk in on him with only a towel around his waist after showers.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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