Flash of Two Worlds | Part 2

Start from the beginning

As soon as Iris finished, Caitlin's shocked gasp had you all turning to the entrance to the cortex where a man stood, concealed in the shadows so you couldn't make out his face.

And almost simultaneously, you and Joe got out your guns from your holsters and aimed it at the intruder. Even though you had resigned from the CCPD and had started working at S.T.A.R Labs full-time, you were still certified to operate a firearm.

"For real?" Cisco said, exasperated. To be honest, you would have said the same thing.

"Stay where you are." Joe ordered, his gun trained on the figure.

"How on Earth did you get in here?" You asked, your gun aimed at his chest to stop him in case he did something stupid.

"Who are you?"

"You don't know me, but I know you...Barry Allen." The mysterious intruder spoke.

"Well, that's not creepy at all." You muttered under your breath. Your gut was telling you that he was a bad person and you had learned to trust your gut instincts. When the man took a step forward, you pulled the safety off of your gun. "Don't move." You ordered.

"Take one more step, it'll be the last step you take." Joe threatened. Damn, you'd forgotten how scary Joe could be. "The man asked you a question. Who the hell are you?"

The man emerged from the shadows and revealed himself to be a young-looking, dirty-blonde haired man. "My name is Jay Garrick, and your world is in danger."

Your brows furrowed in confusion as you looked at Caitlin and Iris who seemed to be just as confused as you were. "When isn't our world in danger?" You said, your gun still aimed at this Jay guy.

"Please just let me explain. I mean you no harm." He replied, looking directly at you before returning his focus onto Barry.

"How do you know my name?" Barry asked.    

"I know all your names. Caitlin Snow, y/n Davis, Cisco Ramon, Detective Joe West-".   

"Enough." Joe instructed and Jay raised his arms in surrender. "That part about explaining needs to happen right about now."

"This world is in danger." He repeated, making you roll your eyes.

"And like y/n said, when isn't it?" Cisco rebutted.

"Wait, 'this world'? What other worlds are there?" You asked, cautiously.

"When you created the singularity above Central City, you also created a breach between my world and yours." He answered, staring at you.

"Hey, that was them, not me." You said, defending yourself.

"Wait, I'm sorry, a breach?" Iris questioned, ignoring your comment.                                 

"Yes, a portal connecting our two Earths."   

This story was getting crazier by the minute.

"And what precisely is your concern?" Professor Stein asked from beside you.

"A few days ago, you found a dead man named Al Rothstein at the nuclear plant."

You lowered your gun and looked at Caitlin and saw her face display the same level of shock as you.

"But then a different Al Rothstein tried to kill you." He continued.

"Atom Smasher." Cisco said, looking at Barry.

"That man was from my world. If he got through the breach, I'll suspect there'll be more to follow." He finished, ominously.

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