Flash of Two Worlds | Part 2

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A/N: This takes place around season 2 episode 2 and this story is mostly canon with a few things changed.
Warnings: Mentions of loss. Swearing. Word Count: 6341
y/n = Your name
Davis = Your Last Name

It's been three weeks since you helped Team Flash take down Boulder, as Cisco so aptly named him, and he was now sitting in the meta-human wing at Iron Heights prison.

Ever since then, you were a part of Team Flash, helping them on their crusade of protecting the city from the meta-humans that they accidentally created the day the particle accelerator exploded. And to be completely truthful, you liked working with them.

When you became Renegade, you always had the looming threat of ARGUS finding you but here, with Barry, Caitlin, Cisco, Joe, Iris and Professor Stein, whom you met after the capture of Boulder, you were happy.

Well, as happy as you could be considering everything that had happened in your life.

You had gotten quite close to the team, specifically to Caitlin and Cisco; they never failed to make you laugh, especially Cisco with his constant cultural references.

You had learned a lot about them and they had learned more about you too. For instance, when Caitlin told you about her losing Ronnie, you consoled her which led to the revelation that, whilst they didn't know how, your mother died when you were a child and your sister died a few years after.

You also consoled Barry with the departure of his father which he had announced at Joe's house, at his 'welcome home' party no less.

Speaking of which, Barry should be returning from the train station soon and you, Cisco and Caitlin eagerly waited his return so you could show him the increased security you had implemented and the new changes Cisco had made to his suit.

Cisco had also created an elaborate suit for you too but after insisting it was too much, you helped him invent a relatively more comfortable suit.

"So is everything okay?"

Caitlin had asked you to recheck all the security systems to make sure they were operating successfully which is why you and Cisco were crowded around the computers with Iris and Professor Stein watching over you as you did so.               

"Yeah, everything's up and running. Should be good to go." You replied, getting up from your chair so you stood next to Caitlin. "Hey, Barry." You said, as Barry and Joe entered the cortex.

"Hey, guess what? I added a little upgrade to your suit." Cisco announced, looking very pleased with himself. As Barry walked over to where his upgraded suit stood, Cisco continued talking.

"It's just like the one from the future newspaper Gideon showed us. I was thinking, you know, you shouldn't fear the future anymore."

"No, and it'll be here faster than we think." Barry said in agreement.

"God, let's hope not. I really like my life right now." You muttered, making Cisco laugh beside you.                  

"Well, see, I like it. The lightning definitely pops more against the white." Professor Stein commented making Cisco even more smug.

"And S.T.A.R Labs is now safer than ever. With the help of Cisco and y/n, we have increased security and surveillance."

"Re-coded, double firewalled, electronic lock sets." You explained as Barry looked at you and Cisco.                                                            

"Yeah, nothing is getting through here without us knowing." Cisco continued.

"So people can't just waltz in and out of here." Iris finished.

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