Chapter 1

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                  Uttarpradesh, 2018...

       It was getting dusky, like he was getting off from his duty, Lazily he would have  stretched his body, as his colours spread out in the sky.

His reddish brown  hues on that dusky evening, All the nature's colours are filled on the butterflies wings.

Between the rusty  soils of green fields,on the curved path, he drove his Royal Enfield in a rythemic way sitting royally on it.

Not expecting to find it and realised to found, in a clutter of thoughts running in  his mind and suspected he would lose it.

Thirteen years of his yearning, will he succeed and be happy or sunk in sorrows? In these chain of thoughts, his speedometer stroke 80 in speed.

Meanwhile something smacked on his cheek making him to notice a butterfly collapsing on the road. Both his heart and face were  hurt.

Gentle breeze hit on his cheek in the lands of eternal laws of cosmos. Halting his bike, he stepped out.

He is heavily built, with all his charms. He noticed his surroundings. Recognizing  his surroundings unconsciously his hands went in his pocket, he was lost for some moments.

"Shivam! Careful dear." His uncle, Aarbhaj warned, as his nephew was about to fall.

Shivam spoke," uncle, don't worry! I'm fine!" While getting up.

Aarbhaj walked to his nephew and checked him if he got any wounds.

" Uncle,I said right? I am fine!" Whined Shivam.

Brushing off dust on his dress, Aarbhaj spoke," Kanna! Your mom left you with me. I promised her that I will take care of you well!" Pecking on his cheeks.

" Where did mom go leaving me?" He asked innocently.

" She wanted to know something dear! That's why she left you under my care."

Shivam couldn't understand what his uncle said before but nodded silently, lowering his head.

The little boy joyfully jogged while the middle aged man robotically walked along the path silently, deeply thinking something.

Shivam, formed a small smile on his face and spoke," uncle! I love this place, Can we stay here?"

Aarbhaj, knelt down before Shivam and held his small hands," I will make your all wishes come true!" He said, hugging the little boy.

Shivam happily hugged back, pecking on his uncle's cheek.

" I love you, uncle!" He shouted, expressing his love towards Aarbhaj.

" Shivam! Will you listen to my words?"

" Of course Uncle! Do you want anything?!" Shivam asked excitedly, to do anything to please his uncle.

Aarbhaj took out  small box, which was unblemished."This" he said, placing the box in his little hands.

Shivam glanced at the box looking confused.

" Uncle! What is in this box?"

His phone  vibrated breaking his chain of thoughts. Shivam, sighed and answered his phone call.

" Where did you leave in this critical situation?" Shouted a male voice, from the other end of the phone.

" Argh... How many times I have told you not to shout?" Keeping the phone little  away from his ear, he spoke little annoyed by the person.

" Really, Shivam! If you won't be here in ten minutes, we would loose this, again!" The other person stated impatiently, walking back and forth.

" I can get it at any cost, uncle!" he said, and chuckled.

" Huh! Uncle?! You called me uncle again?"  He spoke, but no answer from Shivam, because he hung up already.

"Hey! Hey...Shivam! Shivam!!" He called, but no response.

" Shivam! Shivam!!" He once again shouted through phone.

Someone stirred on the couch, as he flipped on the floor, disturbed by Jahit. He yawned and glanced over Jahit, pinning him with his sharp looks.

" Uncle, why do you shout continuously, when he already hung up your call?" He said and got up.

" What? He already, hung up?" He again shouted, glancing at the phone.

" Shhhh... Again! That's why we call you 'uncle', uncle!!"

" Tejdeep!! you both doesn't even give me an inch of respect, though I have took care both of you from so many years!"

" We are giving respect by calling you uncle!" He teased, again giggling himself.

"Tejdeep!"  Jahit exclaimed galring at  him.

" Ugh... Fine!" as he lifted up his hands, surrendering  before Jahit!"

" By the way did you knew where he is?" He inquired.

" What should I tell? From the day we came here, he suddenly leaves and goes some where and I should call him hundred times, to get back for the work!"he added.

" God knows where he goes!" Tejdeep muttered under his breath, placing head phones, he opened the  laptop and started to work on something, listening to some music.

Shivam  halted his bike  before a bar. Jahit, waved at him, while adjusting his lenses.

They both walked in heading to some private room, on some work.

Shivam gave a charismatic smirk, to the girls, who were already gaping at his Casanova looks. Some were looking at him lustful, while some adored him, and some ladies, wanted to spend time with him.

A girl who was half naked, dancing in the bar, walked towards Shivam. She placed her hand on his left shoulder, stopping him.

" Do you need anything?!" She spoke intoxicantly.

He looked over through his goggles, and countered," Don't lose your self-respect, before..." Pointing on those sobers who were tipsy, taking their advantage to molest women." Go...! go to your homes and help your families!!" He stated.

The women  who were standing there were taken aback by his statement.

" We have our freedom! From so many years this was a patriarchial  society, now we got our rights, so we can be how ever we want!" A lady stepped out of the group and spoke.

A loud thup echoed, silence filled in the bar. A girl in her 20's stood before him, fiercely glaring at that lady.

" How dare you slap me?!" She yelled, raising her hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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