Almost done with school

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««Author's note:
※The cover picture is what Aden would look like,feel free to imagine a guy who is more your stile of dude.
※Also I tried making this a little longer I hope you liked it.
※ Feel free to send me suggestions on how you think the story should go»»

The first day went smooth just like everyday in school.
When you we're getting ready to go to your bus stop you heard someone calling you so you turned around.
Aden: Hey (Y/n), glad to see you.
It was your long time friend Aden.
(Y/n): Hey Aden,im surprised you're still here after all those classes you missed last year.
Aden: you know they are not obrigatory right? You can just do your exam.
(Y/n): yeah well you know,you need to know what's comming on the exam in order to do it.
Aden: yeah wtv,so how are you? Any dude in your life yet?
Aden has had a crush on you ever since forever,but he never got the guts to tell you he just got used to being your friend.
(Y/n): Aden,you and I both know I do not have the time for that.If I want to succeed I need to be fully focused.
Aden: Geez you still are no fun.Well if I know you,you still go home by bus so I better go before you blame me for losing it.
(Y/n): yeah I better go or I will have to kick your ass
Aden: Or....
(Y/n): or what?
In the minute you ask this you ser your bus passing the place where you were standing.
(Y/n): Fuck.
Aden: I can drive you home.
(Y/n): Yeah fine but you better run because I will still kick your ass for making me lose my bus.
Aden: Race you to the parking lot there.
And you did,of course he,being a lot taller and a lot stronger than you,beat you to it.When you both got to the parking lot you were exhausted.
(Y/n): Mental note to never race Tou again,Jesus,with all that smoking how can you still run like that.
Aden: I go to the gym now babe ( winks at you)
You ignore the cocky look on his face
(Y/n): So are you driving me or after all this running I am still going to need to walk home?
Aden: Yeah, Yeah get in.
You were standing in front of a Mercedes you could not believe it was Aden's,no college student can afford that.
(Y/n): Is this really your car? ( You say as you get in and buckel up.
Aden: Nah,it's my dad's,but since he got a new one he doesn't mind me taking this one.he's making up for the time he should spend with me and doesn't.
(Y/n): I see you still got problems with your dad.
The ride home went smooth,just you two catching up.

FANFIC Teenage Dream (Sebastian Stan X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now