16. Charlie Lock?

Start from the beginning

"The one you fear the most." The speedster's muffled evil toned voice replied making him sound more intimidating than what it should. Rachel could sense the cocky smirk from her position and was having none of it.

"And why should I fear you?" Rachel  almost laughed. "I've faced gods! What do you bring to the plate that they haven't?"

"Things no one knows..." the man answers before speeding up to Rachel, the space between them uncomfortably close. Rachel couldn't punch him as he stopped her upon contact but the words that came out of his mouth almost caused Rachel to stumble. "Apart from you... Rachel Falsworth..." Rachel lifted her head up in fear at the man's truthful words before he sped away and leaving Rachel agape mouth and frantic mind to panic. No one outside the closest people to her knew who Spitfire was.

Rachel was glad that no civilian was around her to hear as many in the area had fled by that time. Rachel's hand went to cover her mouth as she tried to process the threat but was stopped by a voice.

"Rachel...?" Rose's uncertain voice almost questioned as Rachel's motions froze. Rachel took a deep breath in before turning herself around to face her sister.

"Please..." Rachel began making her sister cover her mouth in shock. "Don't... don't panic..."

"I- I- How- how can I not panic?!" Rose shouts, letting her stutters loose without hesitation. "I was just about to be attacked!"

"I saved you-"

"You saved me! Of all people! Wait- are you an agent?" Rose's curiosity caused her to panic further and being sisters Rose's panicking made Rachel panic.

"Rose you have to get out of here!" Rachel demands looking towards her sister with a stern glance.

"You work with the Avengers..." Rose mutters ignoring her sister.


"You know Thor..."

"Rose!" Rose's head snapped towards her sister worried expression as Rachel clenched her fists. "See those Hellicarriers." Rachel says pointing towards them. Rose followed her sister's finger to see them hovering in the sky.

"Yes they've been here for ages now why-"

"They're gonna blow." Rachel interrupts making Rose furrow her eyebrows in Rachel's direction unsure. "Hydra, they compromised Shield and if the targeting system they have goes online, I'm dead, Cap's dead, Stark. Must I keep listing!"

"No!" Rose exclaimed. "I'm still trying to get over the you being... you!"

"Then stop doing that and go before you get killed!" Rachel exclaims pointing towards the city streets.

"What about that creepy speedster?" Rose asks concerned not only about herself now but her sister.

"I'll deal... I will deal with it later as well as this whole kerfuffle later." Rachel assures bringing her sister in for a tight hug. "I also need an explanation for why you're even here but we'll talk later. Go." Rose nodded towards her sister, her eyes filled with pure panic before racing away.

"Charlie... lock..." the sound of Steve's breathless voice was all Rachel needed to hear to let the sigh of relief escape her mouth.

"Well done Steve." Rachel congratulates her smile evident at the success. "You okay?" She asked concerned referring to his breathlessness but got no reply.

"Okay Cap, Get outta there!" Maria demands quickly as she probably set up the new targets. Rachel watched as the three Hellicarriers slowly readjusted their positions, their targets becoming themselves. Their guns taking aim and waiting to fire.

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