Going to the beach

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2 months

Y/N's pov

Y/N was out at the beach with Tomoe, Kurama, and the kids while Mizuki stayed behind to watch over the shrine Haru and Lilly were making sandcastles while Tomoe and Kurama were sitting in a chair under a shade umbrella. Y/N said "do you two want any help with your sandcastles," Haru said, "no thanks mom," Lilly said "can daddy help me with mine" Y/N smiled at Lilly and then walked over to where the boys were Y/N said, "Tomoe Lilly wants you to help her with her sandcastle". Tomoe was reluctant to leave Y/N alone with Kurama but knew he wouldn't hear the end of it with Lilly and went to help her with the sandcastle Kurama said "you enjoying your break away from the shrine Y/N". Y/N said "yeah it's nice to get out everyone in a while" it's a bit difficult for Y/N to enjoy anything at the current moment because Y/N is pregnant with Tomoe's third child and Y/N's sense of smell is all over the place. Thankfully Y/N hasn't been hit with morning sickness yet Y/N decided to take a nap on the chair that Tomoe was sitting in to get some shade in before heading back out in the sun. After a while, Y/N woke up from her nap and felt someone's arms around her Y/N looked over at the chair that Kurama was sitting in and he wasn't there Tomoe said: "is everything okay Y/N, you seem tense". Y/N said "yeah everything is fine but where's Kurama" Y/N could hear giggling and laughing from the kids, Y/N looked up at the kids seeing Kurama playing with the kids. Y/N's stomach started to growl as Tomoe sat up and pulled some food out of the beach bag and handed it to Y/N for her to eat then called for Haru and Lilly to get something to eat. It started to get dark out so we decided to head back to the shrine before it got too dark out Lilly was on Tomoe's shoulders while Haru was walking ahead of us. 

Tomoe's pov

All of us were at the beach while Mizuki stayed at the shrine Haru and Lilly were in the sand trying to make sandcastles well Lilly was trying anyways Y/N was over by them to see how they were doing I was sitting under a shade umbrella with Kurama. I see Y/N walk over to us Y/N said, "Tomoe Lilly wants you to help her with her sandcastle" I was hesitant to leave Y/N alone with Kurama since he could try anything with her but I knew if I didn't go help Lilly I wouldn't hear the end of it from her. So I got up out of my chair and I went to go help Lilly with her sandcastle that she was having trouble building Lilly said "daddy can you help with with the water pit around it" I smiled at her and I nodded at her as I started digging around the catsle for the water to go in. Even though the water will get absorbed back into the sand she is trying her hardest to get it to work some time passes Haru and Lilly were chasing one another in the sand Kurama walked over to them and started to chase them. I walked back over to Y/N so see that she is asleep in the chair, I move some of her hair out of her face and I placed a kiss on her cheek a small cold breeze comes up from the water. I lay down next to Y/N to keep her a bit warm so she isn't cold when she wakes up not long after I lay down next to her I felt Y/N moving around I said "is everything okay Y/N, you seem tense" Y/N said "yeah everything is fine but where's Kurama". I pointed over to the kids as they were still being chased by him I felt Y/N's stomach growl wanting food so I sat up and looked around the beach bag for some food that we packed. I found some food in a plastic bag and I handed it to Y/N so she could eat it then I call for the kids so they could also get something to eat before we leave. The sun was starting to set as we were walking back to the shrine I had Lilly sitting on top of my shoulder's while Y/N is walking next to me and Haru walking a head of us to get home. 

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