Shot 17

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P: Abhi, why are you staring at me like this?

A: Then what? I know he fainted then after being conscious he asked whether he can sleep! Isn't he scared of this place?

P: He was scared but now when two of us are here he is okay. Now let him sleep peacefully.

A: I don't know why you always support him.

P: Because he is my friend.

A: Then who am I?

P: You're my friend too. But more than a friend whom I am trying to be away from.

Abhi smiles and says: It's good and bad to hear like this from you. Only you can give this feeling Pragya.

Pragya smiles faintly and walks out of the room where Suresh was sleeping.

Abhi follows her and asks: I can show you around.

P: This is not a Palace to show me around and wait, until now I don't know your purpose for coming here.

A: My purpose is simple but I guess the outcome was different.

P: I don't get you.

A: I came to check on this place to have my new office.

P: Office? This place, that too isolated from the city area?

A: So what? It's peaceful and not noisy as in city areas.

P: Kya? You got to be mad! Who will work in this kind of area.

A: Me!

P: It's hard to believe a person who even gets scared of darkness can stay in this kind of place.

A: I am not scared of darkness. Don't assume things.

P: Acha baba, then why did you hugged me when your room lights went of all of a sudden?

A: That's.... Because....

P: Because you were and you are scared of darkness.

A: No! It was because I was shocked. I mean anyone who get shocked when suddenly lights went off that too when watching a horror movie.

P: You were not watching it. You were mostly closing your eyes that day.

A: I agree I was scared of that horror movie but I am not scared of darkness.

P: Okay, at least you agree you are scared of something!

A: But when I am with you I am not scared of anything.

P: It's nice to hear!

She smiles widely and looks at him.

A: Amazing yaar, usually you will taunt me a lot but today your taunts are much lesser.

P: Maybe it's the effect of expressing my love for you.

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