Accepting Odd

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Sure, I dance to my own song, march to the beat of my own drum, waltz to my own tune, whatever you want to call it. Whatever it is I don't care, because I'm having more fun being authentic than you are being artificial.

She knew that it didn't matter if she was different, she eventually stopped caring what people thought.

He wasn't missed. Only by a few. The other people, even the ones that mattered to him, they didn't bat a lash when he didn't show up. But that was okay, he didn't need them anyway.

She always questioned why they looked at her that way, but she found the dance studio one day, where being herself was okay, being herself was called art.

It's the trend to be "weird" but only if you do it right. If you actually have idiosyncrasies, then " you're a freak and no way would we hang out with you. "

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2014 ⏰

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