Always that odball

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She just didn't fit in, she could relate to it all, but that was weird. No one thought she was that big of a deal, she blended. But, just because you blend, doesn't really mean that you fit. Sure, she had friends, but she often didn't talk much about the few things they had in common. Eventually, she just learned that she had to go with the flow, even if that meant not being accepted.

He often questioned why he hung out with the kids that he did. He didn't relate to them most of the time, but they had taken him in. Even still, he felt lost, alone in the maze of what we call "experiencing life". He was still hiding the true him.

She was the first one there, but also the last to leave. "People always leave" that was her favorite thing to say, because time and time again, those she grew to love decided to jump ship. It was never anything she did wrong, just misunderstandings. Well, that's what she told herself. She knew that she was different, she didn't know why, but she could feel it.

He was always looked at like the square trying to fit in a circular doorway. His rough corners always got in the way. He put up walls, but only because he didn't want anyone to see the real him. He isolated himself, but only for protection. No one understood this, they just labeled it rude. However, even when shown sympathy he looked the other way, and that was because of too much protection.

I found better friends in my music than in real life. I could listen and relate to my music, and it didn't talk back or judge me. It was the same with books. I didn't need people, especially if they were just going to shove me away for not being the same. Solitude, when it seldom came, was just better. I didn't have to talk about why I was feeling upset, I didn't have to be careful about how I did things. Great music, and reading good, educational books, that's what lead me to the writing. Writing was the best, my favorite part of my day, it was like being on a roller coaster, and you could turn, loop, or drop whenever you wanted to. It was complete peace, acceptance, and control.

Though we knew we couldn't be like everyone else, we knew we could be like each other. No matter how strange everyone thought we were, we just didn't care, and when you don't care, it's just better.

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