Chapter 8:Tell her

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Uhhh L?

'Why that name?'

Doesn't matter. I just need to you to tell me about Emily something if you know her so much.

'Why don't you just ask her then?'

She's sleeping. I can't even bare to interrupt her sleep.

'Fine. What do you wanna know?'

Has Emily had been into a relationship with someone else other than me before?

' did you know that...?"

Why? I just found out.

'From where? From Who?'

Uhh the trash bin,why?Is it so important?

'Yes,but the trash bin doesn't counts. Only the girl is.'

I didnt mention you that her ex is a girl. That means you know huh?

'Yes,i do. That girl is her dead ex-girlfriend.'


'Yes. Her and her ex would sneak out to some club. But one horrible thing happened.'

What happened?

'Oh god. If I tell you this,never ask Emily about this ever again.'

I don't promise.

'Do you wanna rip her heart? This is the only thing she has in the past as a horrible memory,and the memory she wants to erase.'

You mean...forget about it?

'She thought that it's the only way to hide the pain.'

Hide? I thought she told me to never hide...

'Well,some people sometimes have no choice but to hide,and you know it too.'

Because I've hide before a lot of times...

'She don't know where to go,so...she chose to just forget about it.'

Yeah,you already told me that. But what happened? What 'one horrible thing happened' is?

'You know people have to hide and i do too-'

Stop ignoring my question!

Fine,fine. That girl,it was Sunday night. That girl asked your precious Emily to sneak out again and go out to somewhere...'romantic' place. They had fun. But,when they were about to go to their houses,Emily was saved by her because there was a drunk guy driving his car like crazy and hit almost the both of them.'

Then what happened?

Emily was saved by her because she pushed Emily away from the car and...'


'Exactly. It's a hard memory to remove for Emily.'

Why would she want to forget about the girl that saved her?

'Wait. You're not mad?'

Why would I be?

'You're not jealous?'


'And you're not glad that her ex is a girl too and died so you can have Emily forever?'

Well,I'm quite fine. I mean,I also feel bad for Emily. She had been through a pretty rough moment for a bit of time. So,i can't feel anything but sad and awful for her.


She helped me,L. Emily helped all my scars to disappear somehow. And i want to make hers too.

'Damn,Ali you're a tough one. But...have you already forgotten about your past?'

I've gotten through it. So you should get over it too.

'Like i said. You're a tough one.'

I didn't say anything back,i just stare at Emily sleeping. I bet she's really tired and exhausted. I walk to her,and sit on my knees on the floor. I push the blanket that was on her up to her shoulders,and her hand opens a bit. She moves to comfortable herself and continued to sleep tight. I sigh,and keep staring at her. I sit on my bum,mermaid style.

'What are you gonna do?'

I thought for a while,figuring a way to help her. I have to do something for her like how she did for me.

"I'm gonna do what I'm best at to her."

Give her every single love I have for her. So she'll now that I'm here for her and will always be. This time I get to protect her.

I will.

Beauty From Above (Emison)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz