Chapter 3:We did it

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Oh god. I can't believe I'm doing this. Okay,okay,okay. Think of something sad. Something sad...hmm. Hanna? No. Noel? He's a pain in the ass. Hmm. What I'm a sick person.A disgusting,ugly,horrible person. Who would want me? Maybe that's how Emily thinks of me secretly. I didn't go eat lunch with her,maybe she's disappointed in me. Maybe i don't deserve to be her friend. I'm just a loser and i hate me for that. Why am i so awful? Why am i a regret? Why do I always get the awful things in the end? Why won't I ever get to have a happily ever after? Don't I deserve happy endings? Don't i deserve..some love? It's happening.

"Miss Dilaurentis? Is that you? What happened? Why are you like this?"

"Oh principal Hackett,it's horrible. Noel Kahn just suddenly made a problem with me. He punched me...and it hurts..."

"What did you do to him that made him punch you?"

"I didn't do anything...he came to me,and started to beat me up."

"Why would he do that to you?"

"I don't know..I didn't do anything wrong.."

"Should i call your parents?"

"No! I's not necessary. My mom's busy and so is my dad. I don't want to...disturb them."

"Then who's gonna take care of you?

"I have someone who's gonna take care of me soon."

"Well then,i see. You can take a break for one day and tomorrow. Be sure to rest well. Your bruise will be okay soon but it might take a while."

"Thank you,principal Hackett."

I smile and pretend cry even more,and then he gave me a tissues. He smiles to me a little pitiful and then I took the tissues. He's a sweetheart.

"I'll deal with Noel Kahn,and you just rest at home,okay?He will be suspended now."


I said and say thank him again. He let me go and when I close the door of his office,i walk slowly calmed pass his window and after that i squealed and jump up and down excitedly. I did it! Now I just need to go to Emily's locker. I wonder how she's doing...


Not fine. I am doing not fine. Everyone is looking at me,and pinching their nose because of the smell. But good thing is,that I passed. I succeeded. So what happened,is that the teacher let's me go directly when I opened the classroom door. She told me to just have a day off for today and tomorrow. Perfect. Good thing the vomit still works. I nailed it. I don't really care now that everyone's watching me,because I just got a ticket to home. I walk to my locker,kinda in a bit hurry. Like running there to my locker and saw already Alison leaning on the guy's locker beside mine. She crossed her arms and waited for me,i hide to not let her see me. And smile like a child. Poor her,she must've waited for me for a long time. I tip my toe and walk quietly to her because she was looking at the other way. Ugh,her hot neck bone is out,and how hot she's posing a stand. Like a model for some reason. Am I falling for this one?


"Omygod! You jerk! Argh!"

I laughed when she punched me at my arm,and she pouts when I laughed at her more.

"You scared me."

"Oh,come on. You know I'm just kidding."

"You're not funny,Emily."

"Am I?"

I said and tickling her waists. It's the only spot that popped in my mind and i started to tickle her,and wow her cute laugh just gives me the chills. She's such an adorable person and when I tickled her,i accidentally stepped on her shoe and kind of pushed her to the wall. I was completely flushing so hard because my hands was totally touching her waists with my palms because I was scared she might fall. It's good that she's not's bad that I'm blushing right now. It feels new.

"I-i'm sorry I didn't mean to do that."

I pulled my hands away from her and scratch the back of my neck while my other arm touching my stomach.

Oh great job Emily now you scared her again.

I thought and trying not to freak out again,but when I look at her she was actually shook and blushing too. She hides the blush by shaking her head a little and closing her eyes,and looks at my locker.

"Umm,we should get prince and get out of here."

I nod and unlock my locker. I saw prince getting excited mad meowing to me a lot. I smile and so does Alison,i grab him and handed it to Alison. She looks like she wants to hold her,and so she does. Alison keeps talking to him,as if prince is a person.
I closed my locker while looking at Alison probably daydreaming and smile when I saw her smiling,but when I was closing my locker I didn't realise that my hand was inside. I slammed the door of the locker and it smacks my hand and i exclaim so loud. I close my mouth so anyone won't hear us,maybe I jumped Alison and prince too. I bend down,while closing my mouth with my hand and waving my other hand up and down. I'm trying not to yell or groan because I slammed the door of the locker at my own hand and it hurts so bad. I'm almost crying because it's too painful but I just hold the tears. I stand back straight and look at Alison and prince terrified of me. I look at them like nothing happened and just smile a straight line and walked to the halls. I heard her giggling and suddenly smile while walking a little bit further away as she tries to walk with me. I walk slowly then,and she was relieved that i did that. We kind of chat to each other,knowing each other's tiny secrets. But i never knew her last name.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Can we start from the beginning? I want to introduce myself to you. Earlier wasn't that perfect so.."

"Oh,sure. You go first."

"I'm Emily Catherine Fields,I'm really good at swimming. I want to be a swim coach to this school,and I love those kind of people that are sweet and kind,like you,and my other friends."


Did she just said that I'm a sweet and kind? That's so sweet of her. I never really get compliments from people,but now that she gave me one,it feels good.

"You're turn."

"I'm Alison Lauren Dilaurentis,maybe I want to be an English teacher to this school,but my life as a teenager now is not that perfect. Because...all of my friends,other than you,is actually a jerk to me. I...never really get to blend in like them,i feel like I'm not even a person. I feel like I'm not a person that stands on earth. Just the galaxy with no planets."

Oh no...I said too much...She must be going to say something horrible to me. That's how everybody else does when I say my problems to them.

"At least you're the galaxy with some stars."

I can't believe she said that. It made me..happy actually. She made me feel happy instead of boring,and nothing. She made me laugh,and it's what i like about her.

"What about your swimming?"

"What about It?"

"Aren't you gonna miss the practice?"

"I'm not gonna leave you alone at my house doing nothing. Besides,swimming is not that important. Friends are. At least I don't wanna lose this one."

She smiles,and I know i have to send her one back. I have to say something nice back too.

"Thank you for doing that."

I smile to her and walked a little close to her,that I think our hands touched a little. But prince suddenly meows because he almost fell when I only hold him with one hand,i quickly hold him with the two of my hands and carry him like a baby. Emily just laughs at me and i just smile at prince. This is a great time to be with her.

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