Promised Gift

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A/n: So i promised smut so i write the smut~ Sorry it took way too long, life has been messing with me even more than Giotto messing with Tsuna in this chapter so yeah...  Enjoy ;)

Also this is a stand alone smut (Probably ;))



Both Giotto and Tsuna flushed red at the words G exclaimed before Giotto took the liberty to smack G's head.

"That hurts dammit! Stop being a frikkin brute!" Giotto rolled his eyes at G's whining while Tsuna kept his head low, still blushing.

G smirked evilly at the sight of flustered Tsuna before deciding to teased the couple even more.

"Y'know nearly 9 months in and haven't gone all the way shit Giotto how you manage to wait huh? So all those time spreading sugar to our face yet the cherry hasn't been consumed at all huh?" Giotto looked like he wanted to kill G at that point while Tsuna who's already blushing become even more of a tomato.

"You know what?  G, i think you need even more paperworks at your side so let me give you more and if you don't bail out of this room at the count of 3 to do those then I'll personally throw you out myself." Giotto said while patting Tsuna at the shoulder, an act that supposed to relaxed Tsuna a bit yet only make him even more flustered with Giotto's touch.

"What!? That's not fair! Frikkin tyrant man..." Before Giotto even count 1, he changed his mind and throw G out ASAP.

"Thank god he's gone. Uh, Tsuna, you okay?" Giotto asked in concern.

Tsuna was silent for a while before nodding his head, "Yeah, I'm fine. Uhm Giotto?" At his call,  Giotto lifted his head with a reassuring smile at Tsuna.

"Am i a bad boyfriend?" Tsuna asked innocently while tilting his head to the side.

Giotto's face turned just as red as Tsuna's before he went and hugged him. "Nah you're perfect, damn... Tsuna how did i ever got to land such a cute boyfriend like you again? I'm so lucky."

Tsuna broke the hug then hold Giotto's face in front of him while smiling. "Hehe just be happy you get to land me then you dimwit." As he said that he leaned forward and kissed Giotto in the lips, an act that Giotto happily received with himself taking a part in it too.

After kissing for a long time, the couple break off the kiss while both participants tried to catch their breath. Giotto hugged Tsuna's body and let his head rest on his shoulder while whispering: "You don't need to think about what G said, i like you even just like this to be honest..."

Tsuna was stunned for a while before patting Giotto's back with his hand.

"Okay then i won't think much about it..." And yet even when he said that, a concerned yet determined look lingers on Tsuna's face, a look that unfortunately Giotto didn't see as he kept happily resting his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.


Later on that night.

Giotto was lying on his bed, staring at the ceilings. Even though he himself said to Tsuna not to think about it, he himself couldn't get the thoughts away.

As he lay, he couldn't help but imagine what it'll be like to see Tsuna below him.

Tsuna's eyes were hazy with lust as he tightened his hold on Giotto's back to the point of even scratching him.

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