Chapter 5

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" " : Japanese

' ' : Thought

" " : Italian


Tsuna stood in front of Giotto's office, steeling himself for what he was about to do.

Tsuna reached out for the doorknob and open the door.

Just to see an empty room.

"P-Primo...?" Tsuna stepped into the room.

"He's not here? Primo?" Tsuna called out again.

"Again with that Primo thing?  I'm not Primo..." Tsuna looked behind him just to see Giotto in front of the door.

"You see Tsuna i would prefer you call me Giotto or even Decimo than... Primo"Giotto closed the door, secretly locking it.

"W-What are you d-doing?" Tsuna step back every time Giotto move forward.

"Stuttering again? You don't need to stutter in front of me" Giotto said as he continue to advance closer toward Tsuna.

"S-Stop!  D-don't come closer!" Tsuna said, nearly shout, at Giotto.

"Why be so afraid? You like me right, Tsuna?" Giotto said, inching closer to Tsuna.

"Y-You... What are you doing to Nia? Answer me!  You locked her in a cage? Experimenting on her?" Tsuna said as he started to overcoming his stuttering.


"w-why what?" Tsuna asked back as Giotto's face start darken.

"Why do you stutter toward me but not with...  That girl?" Giotto asked with a dark shadow over his face.

"P-Primo...  No...  Stop with that s-stuttering thing. You can't force me t-to stop s-stuttering toward people who i-is a stranger to me!" Tsuna said as he move backward again, only to slam to Giotto's desk.

"Stranger? So that... Girl is not a stranger to you that you can talk without stuttering to her? While I'm still a stranger to you?" Giotto asked, continuing his advance to Tsuna.

"But still!  You experimenting on her!  On HUMAN being! On LIVING thing!" Tsuna replied, now full out shouting.

"...If you're mind is filled with that girl..." Giotto step forward while releasing his tie "And if i remind you so much with a guy you called 'Primo '" Giotto step forward again, now releasing his cape.

Tsuna's body start to shake in fear.

"I'll just make you forgot them and fill your mind with me only." Giotto hold Tsuna in place with his hand.  Their lips is now only an inch apart before they touch. Giotto closed his eyes and lean toward Tsuna.

Tsuna's eyes widened as he felt Giotto... Kissing him.

Holding Giotto's shirt as a support to hold himself standing, Tsuna tried to push Giotto away.

Giotto lick Tsuna's lower lips, asking for entrance to the untouched cavern. But Tsuna didn't give Giotto any, Tsuna keep his lips tight closed.

Feeling inpatient, Giotto bite Tsuna's lower lips making the brunette gasp in pain. Quickly Giotto insert his tongue between Tsuna's gasp.

Now exploring the inner side of Tsuna's mouth, Giotto start to feel satisfied.

Tsuna blushed harder and try to push Giotto away even harder but Giotto's grip on him seem like it's getting even stronger.

Finally Giotto pulled back, panting heavily.

"Like it? Cause we're gonna do so much more~" Giotto start to unbutton the top button of his shirt.

"Giotto!  The fuck are you locking you're office for?  Open up!" Suddenly both of them heard G shout right in front of the door.

"Tch..." Giotto went to the door and opened it up.

G's eyes widened when he saw Giotto with top button of his shirt unbutton and Tsuna in the back of the room is shivering in fear with a tear stained face.

"...I'm not even gonna asked about this... Report come in said that there are another family in town making havoc and all that." G said as he shake his head slowly.

"...Annoying...  Let's go, called the others I'll be there in a sec." Giotto said as G nodded and leave.  Giotto look back at Tsuna.

Tsuna is still shivering in fear and crying softly.

"Sorry if something disturb our fun" Giotto touch Tsuna's cheek and lift it up so that Tsuna is looking at him in the eye "Let's continue this after i handle that little problem."

With that Giotto take his tie and cape and went out of the room leaving Tsuna by himself.

Tsuna stood there, Still shaking. He still could feel the feeling of Giotto's soft lips and his tongue inside of his mouth.

Tsuna went out of the room, feeling disgusted and dirty.

'...Why did this happen?... I..." Tsuna went into his room and went to his bed.

'It's not supposed to be like this...  Reborn... Gokudera... Yamamoto... Everyone... Please help me...' Tsuna thought as he cried himself to sleep.

Meanwhile in the original universe.

Reborn is drinking his Coffee in front of the 4 people who seen Tsuna last. It is Giannini, Chrome, Yamamoto, and Gokudera. Lambo and I-pin was not included cause they were now accompanying Nana shopping.

Reborn glared at the 4.

"So what are we gonna do now? According to Byakuran Tsuna is in another universe 400 years in the past." Yamamoto said opening up the conversation.

"Isn't it obvious? We're gonna help Dame-Tsuna and you as his guardian gonna help us with that" Reborn said as he drink the last gulp of his coffee.

'Wait for us Tsuna...  We'll help you.'


Haaah another update... Things i do for you guys... Lol no kidding i have no problem typing this cause this vacation is awkward as hell here.  Another thing to say, I'm not gonna lie i blush a lot while writing this chap... My sis even went suspicious about what i type...  Lol but i do admit that kissing scene is so bad and awkward that i think i need to rewrite it... Well that's all i have to say! Probably I'm gonna update more cause this  'vacation' is super awkward. See you on next update!

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