Chapter 2: Karma: The Origin

Start from the beginning

He knows these observations were not enough. He believes that this quirk is blessing, and he won't stop exploring until he gets the most of it.

This time, he wants to counter his second theory.

He was having visions. Every time he feels lonely and wished to be in any other place than where he was, weird visions comes to his mind. But those places seem familiar and not at the same time. After all, those have been the places he used to ogle on the travel magazines he collects. Maldives, Bali, the Grand Canyon, among others. But the oddest thing about these visions is that they feel so real. And it lit a kindle it his heart.

What if I can make a portal to those places if I am strong enough? Or even just concentrate enough?

Now is the best time to prove this. His parents will be out the entire day. And he did his homework already.

"...he forgot to tell you and bring you there" were the words used by his mother. This means the house is still there.

Izuku looked at the picture intently.

The picture has faded around the edges, but the house itself is still clear. He doesn't need to work hard on memorizing the details of the house, though. His eidetic memory will do all the memorizing for him.

Now for the concentration part, he needs a relaxed position. He decided to move to his bed, sit up straight and rest his back on his headboard. When he felt he's relax enough, he started doing the breathing exercise he looked up in the internet.

Then he felt a small static at the back of his mind.

After that, the visions came.

He sees the house. An authentic traditional one with wooden verandas, paper walls and sliding doors. It was also way more elevated than those traditional houses he has seen before. The flood-prone area maybe?

There was also a pond in front of the house, corners accented with odd shaped huge rocks. Raked white gravel floored the garden, it has occasional Bermuda grass just below on groups of some over-sized bonsai plants.

Another static brought him another vision. It's a bird's-eye view of the house. He noticed that it was in the middle of two mountains and surrounded by thick leaves of trees. The view was breath taking. He almost forgot his goals for this experiment.

This is it. The ancestral house.

Izuku was busy taking all the view that he hadn't prepared himself for the incoming static and its accompanying pain. It was so painful that he's sure it already surpasses the pain scale.

He clutches his head tightly and proceeds to curl into fetal position, hoping it will relieve the pain. Unfortunately, it didn't.

He was sure as hell he's going to die that instant. He's going to die young. He hasn't even been to Yuuei yet. He's going to die without even making the first step of becoming a hero. He hasn't even seen All Might in person. What kind of fan he would be?

Then suddenly the static and the pain stopped. It vanished completely it felt like the static and the pain never came in the first place.

So, I'm dead now?

Izuku was busy comforting himself for dying that he didn't notice a quiet hum in front of him. A familiar hum. A hum produced by his portal. Portal? If I'm dead, how did I make a portal?

He sits upright again and confirmed the portal in front of him. He's alive, he felt like a war survivor.

He regards the portal once again knowing where the other side leads to. He just made a portal to somewhere he'd just seen in the picture. And it was a two-hundred-year-old picture.

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