Chapter 4

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Woo-hoo, yeah me, I scored the billion-dollar account. Phil thanks me by saying if you keep this up, you'll make partner within the next five years. I should have known. He doesn't want a black woman to be his partner even though I be doing the most and our clients prefer me over all the other accountants in our office.

I drive home early with a tension headache then remember it's the day. The anniversary. I beat myself up. I was so worried about my own problems with my kidnapper and job I totally forgotten about my adopted sister Kimberly. Today is the anniversary of her mother's death and every year I make it my business to both be a supportive sister and friend.

I call her cellphone but it instantly goes to voicemail. That doesn't surprise me. I just might as well stop by. I get off at the next exit and pull up in front of her apartment and park. Kim is always at her absolute worst on this day even with all the counselling my parents made her go through she still hasn't quite been able to get past it. Against my parent's advisory she went and searched her mother's case and was able to get details of Barbara's murder through the fact or dad was close to the chief of police. It had traumatized her but Kim explained she needed to know.

Kimberly opens the door. Her innocent looking doe eyes are sad. It breaks my heart. "How come Jesus didn't bless me with big tits?" I try a hand at cheering her up.

She smiles but it doesn't quite reach her eyes. "I know my ta-tas looking good, huh? The glory of a new bra," she says and winks stepping outside to let me in. I'm relieved she isn't drunk. The last time, Stephen and I had to retrieve her from Tijuana, Mexico. She had apparently run off with some Mexican guy. I told her she was lucky he didn't sell her for a quick buck. Kimberly was beautiful with her upturned doe eyes and her natural hair cut into a long bob. She was ¾ Native American but mostly black thanks to Barbara whom was mixed race. She was very curvy with large breast and hips that flared very wide. She's always been big boned but was more proportioned than anything else, in other words curved in all the right places. We had the same diet but unlike Kim I gained not a single ounce due to my fast metabolism.

When we were much younger the kids at school always made fun of her because of her weight which caused her to always be self-counscious. I was always protective. Its how we became close friends in spite of the gape in our age...

19 years ago,

"That's why you poor and your mama is on welfare, fat ass," the bullies said.

"Stop it!" the girl everyone called chubby yelled. She covered her ears and walked faster.

"You get your clothes from goodwill!" The kids all laughed.

"Hey!" I yelled out. "Leave her alone or I'll kick your little asses!"

"It's a fifth grader! Let's get out of here!" The 1st graders scram like roaches. I gaze in the direction where the little girl ran. I hear sniffling. Those little turds made her cry.

"Hey come on out," I cooed. "They're all gone now." A little 1st grader dressed in pink overalls with an Elmo backpack comes out from behind the brick wall with little fist covering her eyes. She's a cutie. Pink ribbons decorate her pigtails. She's got innocent big doe eyes, and chubby baby cheeks that grandmas would love to pinch. Her long lashes are wet from tears. She's actually very pretty- like those black china dolls grandma sells at her antique store.

I hug her, rubbing her back. "It's okay. Don't cry." I wipe her tears with the sleeve of my jacket. Daddy tells my big brother to always protect those who aren't big and strong enough to protect themselves. I'm the tallest fifth grader which makes me bigger than everybody else so I guess that means I have to protect her. "Don't worry they won't bother you anymore because now you've got a big sister who's going to protect you."

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