Chapter 1 Zeon

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Zeon was blue. It was litteraly speaking as he was just blue. His skin was blue and so was his mood. Those last whites and blacks had taken out 1/8 of their army on the planet. The backup was on its way and that would mean that they would be 1.1 million people. But how could they defeat those men and women who came with weapons he had never seen. They had of course taken their weapons and trained with them but still if those other aliens brought more? It was impossible especialy without their loved creatures who had left the planet shortly before those aliens arrived. They had given off a warning but too late and now there were probably more on their way. 

"Zeon? What is wrong? You have been sitting here the whole Nava!" Zania asked him cautiously. She was just like him, blue. Her slender figure stood tall on the Triangles she rode. 

Zeon took his time before he answered, "We need more men and women to fight. And we need the Ancients to come back! Without them we are lost. All we know is that these aliens are more powerful than us and that our Zeon is in danger. Gather all troops to where the last aliens landed! We need to be ready when they come!" With that he stood up and jumped on his Dracon. And took off into the air. 

Gliding over the green and colorful ridges, hills, mountains, grasslands, and the hidden villages it filled him with sadness to think that this planet would soon be at war. All the 109 years he had spent on this planet had mostly been peaceful. Now to think a war would break out, it was likely they would have to surrender. But not before we have made them pay with blood! Zeon thought in rage. 

A swooshing sound came up behind Zeon. It was like a great storm moving his way as the beautiful creatures approached with their riders. Zania made her way towards him and shouted, "The ground riders are on their way and the red clan are also coming. I hope zou have something important to say because, they didn't take kindly to your summons!" 

Zeon immediately shouted back, "If they do not care about this planet then they can stay where they are. But we will need all warriors on hold and unfortunately they make up a huge amount of our current ones. And yes I do have something important to say!" 

There was no reply. Zeon knew that Zania had her own thoughts and could easily cancle out all the things he wouldn't say and then there would only be one thing left! 

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