Before Love is Heartbreak

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It was getting dark. A lot later than I had hoped to get home by, but still well before my girlfriend would expect me. It was our five year anniversary and I planned to end the night with a dozen roses and a proposal. I had spent weeks designing and getting the perfect ring together. It had taken a significant chunk of my energy and paycheck. I had stopped by my friends house who specialized in flowers. She had put together the perfect arrangement of red roses with black stems. They were created just for tonight. Everything was perfect.

I lived in a two story town house I had inherited from my great aunt. It was cute. With dark blue shutters and white trim. I had always been in love with the soft pale carpet. I loved the woodpanneling in the den. The comfortable faux leather couch that sat in front of the sliding glass door. It had taken almost a year to find one that I liked. The front room with its wood floor and plush chairs. I loved the stairs that led to the bedrooms and study. I loved my house. I had loved sharing my home with the love of my life. Five years had gone by so quickly it was hard to believe.

I saw the light in our bedroom was on. Sophia was home. I smiled to myself and carefully unlocked the door. I could smell rosemary and thyme. Sophia didn't eat. I could smell a sweet perfume I had never smelled before. I walked throigh the dark front room through the den to the bottom of the stairs. I could smell the sickly sweet perfume. I walked up the stairs and could hear music. It was our song playing. The song that played on the radio while when we had our first kiss. I stood infront of our bedroom door and could hear laughing.

Sophia's laugh was loud and almost booming. It tapered off at the end into a low sigh. The other laugh was high. It hung much higher in the air and didn't seem to even stop for breath. This alien laugh made my heart catch in my throat. I felt my fingers being compelled to open the door. The knob was so cold in my hand. It was like ice. I felt if I held it there too long my hand might burn. It was a evil burning cold. I felt numbness slowly inch its way up my arm.

The laughing stopped as I pushed the door in. I saw Sophia looking at me from our bed. Her hair was a long mess. Beneath her was another woman. She was probably college age. Her hair was messy and blonde. She covered herself awkwardly and looked at Sophia in horror. "I thought you said your roommate was at work." She had accusation in her tone, but it wasn't the right one. I felt my entire body going numb.

I felt my voice slip out in a whisper. "Get out..." I felt the roses slipping from my hand. I clung to the ring. "Get your shit and get out." The words hiss out from my clinched teeth. I looked at Sophia. She looked at the girl and sighed. She put on a fake smile.

"Come on, Alizon. Its not what it looks like." Sophia's smile faltered as she untangled herself from the blankets and the blonde girl.

"You're sleeping with another woman in our bed!" I screamed and felt anger surging through me. "Five years, Sophia. Five years I loved you!" I felt anger rushing out of me. My body went from numb to a dull ache. The roses laying there as I looked down on them. There was a deep hatred in my heart where love had been. The windows in the room flung open as wind rushed in surrounding me. The blond screamed in shock. I was unable to control the rage lashing out of me.

"You're scaring her." Sophia smiled and threw the blonde's clothes at her. "Keep yourself in check. Wouldn't want your mommy to find out you spooked a human." Sophia smile again to showed her fangs. She was on the defensive. The blonde looked even more shocked as she was unable to comprehend Sophia's words. They were strange to someone not of the preternatural world.

"I'm done." I tossed the ring at Sophia. I moved slightly as the blonde ran away crying. She was scared. Looking back on the night I would regret that. The wind had begun to whirl around the room. The dull ache inside of my body spreading and growing slightly with everything heart beat.

Sophia walked towards me. "Come on, babe..." Her voice was thick with manipulative intent. "You're over reacting. We weren't doing anything."

The wind stopped. I looked at her... The love of my life. "We're through. This is my house. I pay all the bills. If you want your shit come in tomorrow while I'm at work. You have a week. Then I'm changing the locks. And the warding." I crossed my arms. The dull ache had reached me head and turned into a pounding in my skull. "In fact, get started tonight. I'm staying at Adam's." I grabbed a pair of scrubs for the next day and ran down the stairs.

"Alizon, come on." Sophia followed me. "You're over reacting." She was only wearing her black lace thong I bought her for Valentine's day.

"One week." I glare back at her and threw the front door open.

She followed me out to my car the ring in her hand. "You'll come back and beg me to wear this." She grabbed the drivers side door. "You know I'm the only person who could ever love you." She jumped back as electricity jumped from the car to her arm. I felt a pang of regret in the throbbing across my body. I never wanted to hurt her. I knew if I didn't leave now she would be right. If I didn't leave I'd stay with her.

I slammed on the gas and huttled out of the parking lot. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I made my way down the road. If I hadn't driven this way a million times I imagine I couldn't have done it. As I made it to Adam's house he was sitting on the front steps with a cup of tea and a large blanket. I could barely walk the pain was unbelievable.

He didn't say a word. He knew already. He carried me to the guest room and covered me in blankets. He drank tea as he sat beside me. "I'm sorry, sweetie." The feminine lilt in his voice offered no comfort. Nothing was able to stop my tears. "I'll be here as long as you need me." My body felt like it was dying.

I curled around him and felt my body shake with tears. My chest hurt. My heart hurt. My head hurt. My everything hurt. Was this what it was like to die?

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