chapter 1- date night.

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“You’re my, my, kind of woman. And I’m down on my hands and knee, begging please baby, show me your world.” Those were the last words I heard before falling asleep on Grayson’s lap. We were on a movie date at his place, simple but romantic. I love Grayson so much. We’ve been together for 3 years now, I am happy with him. Extremely happy with him. We have a lot in common, maybe that’s why I’m so attracted to him. His sweet gestures, his stunning hazel eyes, everything about him attracted him to me more. We’re only nineteen, but he’s the love of my life. I absolutely love him with everything I have and don’t plan on spending the rest of my life with anyone else if it isn’t Grayson Bailey Dolan. I’m in love with Grayson.

----4 YEARS BEFORE----

I woke up to the ringing of my phone. I check to see who was calling me this early in the morning, and as I checked the caller I.D I read, “Grayson Dolan” my heart started racing with a sworn of butterflies in my stomach fluttering around as I answer his call;

“Hey Avery!” He says in a cheering voice.

“Hey Grayson! What’s up?”

“Hi, uh, I was meaning to ask you this and I couldn’t wait any longer and I know you just broke up with your boyfriend, but I wanted to ask you if you’d like to go on a date with me…?”

The silence there was kind of awkward, not gonna lie, but my heart was started racing and going all over the place. Not long ago, about two months or so, My boyfriend, or should I say ex, broke up with me. This was all because of some popular girl named Olivia. I was heartbroken, don't get me wrong, but I had already been in love with Grayson since we were little. Axel, my ex, knew that I was in love with Grayson before we started dating, I was trying to get over Grayson because I didn’t want to pity myself anymore. Axel knew that, and he was okay with it because even if I did love Grayson, I was very much in liking Axel too. I and Axel dated for 2 years, all of the sixth and seventh grades, and he made me very much happy, and I was able to forget Grayson for some time. But then, Grayson and I started talking again and all my emotions showed up again. I hated it, but I love it as well. Grayson knew me and Axel were dating, but that didn’t stop him from wanting to let go of the past and become friend again like we were before this incident happened, and I felt guilty because I was indeed dating Axel at that time. Things got complicated after with Axel like four or five months before we broke up. He started hitting on other girls and always sliding up on other girl's pictures on Snapchat, saying how hot or pretty they are, as well as commenting on their pictures on Instagram. This made me feel less than myself, and Grayson was indeed there for me. I couldn’t of have thanked Grayson more for all he has done. He’s been such a good friend, and I love talking to him all the time and hanging out with him when I could and when I had to time to hang out with him.

“Absolutely!” I say.

“Oh really?!” He seemed surprised by my answer.

“Of course!”

“Alright then, I’ll pick you up at 5 then, wear something casual but nice, it’ll be a surprise!”

“Alright then, see you at 5 then!”

As I hang up on him, I feel so many emotions, one of them being guilty. I and Axel had just broken up and I’m here going on dates, but I shouldn’t feel guilty, I love Grayson, and Axel has already moved on. I should give Grayson a chance, he could like me, like the way I like him...

a/n; 676 words! this is my first chapter going up, i hope you like it! i got this from mac demarco, listening to him during my free period at school and i had the idea to come up with this! i hope you liked it, and enjoyed it! i enjoyed writing it as well. sorry if all of a sudden i got from cap locks to lower case, i usually write like this, and like i said before, please excuse my grammer and language! anyways, have a good rest of your night or day! love ya!

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