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I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen at around 11 pm when my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID, it was Jake "hey Jake" "Rose" "whats wrong Jake" I stoped right in my seat "I don't know Rose I just drove to the store to get something, but..could you come" "yeah where are you" I grabbed my keys and put on my jacket "at the gas station on Locus street" "Okay i'll be right there." I ran outside and into my car slamming the door closed. I got really scared, this hasn't happened since two years ago, he almost died. I speed down the road. I could feel my heart in my throat.

I turned into the gas station and ran over to the Jepp he was in and pulled the door open. He was clutching his head with blood and gunk dripping out of his mouth "Jake whats happened" "I don't know" he pulled up his shirt to where the scar was. "It's infected I have to call 911" "No..." he gaged and spit out stuff. "I hav to Jake" I let go of his shoulder and called 911.

"Yes on the corner of Locus and Amber street, thank you, please hurry."

The ambulance came and took him to the hospital. I got to ride in the back of the truck with him. He had an oxegyn tank mask over his mouth and many IV's in his arm. I looked up at his heart rate, it was slowing down. I got a very worried when we go to the hospital and they rushed him into surgury. I sat down on the seat and cuped my face in my hands letting out sobs. I just sat there why people with flowers walked by. I saw an elderly man reunited with his children and grandchildren, and when his wife saw him she ran into his arms. That made me cry even harder. I can't loose my brother.

It came morning and he was still in surgury, so I couldn't see him. A nurse cam out and walked over to me "Ma'am you should go home, well call if anything happens, please you look exausted." "Okay." I stood up and walked home since the hospital was only a few blocks from my house. I tredded home and walked up to my room. I hoped into the shower ad washed off the tears and the stains from holding my brother in the ambulance so very tight. I walked out and got dressed in my outfit for the day, and drove to school.

I parked and walked into the school. I walked to my locker dreading the day ahead of me. All I can think about was my brother. I got a pass from the office where I didn't have to interact with class and to not get called on unless I want to. I grabbed my phone, a folder, and my asignment book. I walked int first period and sat down in the back. I showed my teacher the slip and wished me the best. Ryder walked in and sat down next to his girlfriend. Ug. I pulled out my phone and looked at my missed calls. Nothing showed up. I looked up at the cieling and down at the table. I didn't feel to well today after this morning, lastnight, and yesterday. After class I told the office I was going to the library and they allowed me.

I was siting down when Ryder walked in. He sat down next to me "Shouldn't you be in class?" "No I have study hall this period." I looked down at my phone and saw that the hospital was calling me. "shit" Ryder looked at me totally shocked. I quickly walked outside and slide the answer button. "Hello" "Yes hi Rose" "Hi doctor Anistan how is Jake?" "um it looks like he isn't going to make it" "but he has too" "Rose he barely made it last time. This time he just isn't strong enough. I'm sorry he will be here so you may see him whenever." "Thank you sir." I hung up and covered my mouth with my hand and let out sobs until nothing was comming out. I walked into the officeand the secratary Mrs. Bobson walked up to me embrassing me in her arms. "Baby I'm so sorry would you like a ride to the hospital." "No I just want to be alone." She looked at me "sure baby doll." I let go of her and walked back into the library wiping some tears. I walked over to my stuff and sat down looking at my phone. I pulled up a picture of Jake from last week. I reviewed his face and his smile. Boy was I going to miss his smile.

I then broke out into another set of sobs. "Hey Rose are you okay?" I looked at Ryder and sucked everyting up and took a breath. "Yeah I just have to go." I grabbed my stuff and walked to my locker. The hallay was empty because it wa sclass right now, but I had to leave here. I looked next to me where his locker was. He probably had stuff in there. I close my locker and opened my phone where I had Jake's locker combination and opened his locker. It was some what clean with many pictures of me, because he absolutly loved me. I smiled a weak smile and noticed a picture I took of him two years ago after this inciedant. I pulled it off his locker and closed it admiring ho sick he looked. I was surprised how he kept it even though no body wanted to remember that tragic moment. I satreted walking down the hall when Jackson walked by. He kept walking, but stopped after passig me. "Hey Rose whats up." I turned around totally not there. My face was blank and pale, but red around my eyes and nose from crying. "Hey Rose are you okay." I ket walking backwards until I left the building.

I got into my car and drove to the hospital. It would normally take me 10 minutes, but it took me 50 because I had to constitunly stop and take a breath, I would also pass the hospital dreading going in. Finally parked and walked inside waling to Jake's room seemed almost to take forever. I opened his door and saw his almost lifeless body laying on the bed with probably the slowest heartbeat possiable. I walke dup to him and kissed his forehead leaving the picture from his locker on hin chest and started to walk out the door when I heard his heart beat come back and someone breathing. I turned around and saw Jake turn to look at me. I ran up to him and hugged him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2014 ⏰

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