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I sat down in the library and began reading. I was getting into it but a girl decided to sit next to me.

She waved, "Hi! I'm new here. My names Flo. What's yours?" Her cheeriness sickened me. But nonetheless, I was polite and answered her.

"You came to the wrong school. My names Erin" I answered quickly and returned to my book.

She didn't seem to understand that it didn't want to talk to her and continued to run her mouth. Uttering high vowels and consonants from her wide lips.

"what do you mean wrong school? I mean, you seem nice!" She stared at me and I couldn't help but let the blood rush to my cheeks.

"T-this stupid and annoying. And i'm not nice." I cursed to myself for stuttering.

"But you look nice."

"Everybody looks nice in this school."

"Can you be my friend?" I froze at her sudden accusation. Friends? We had been exchanging air for five minutes.


"Aw come on! You look really pretty too!" Was she hitting on me?

"I refuse to befriend someone like you." I got up and left my table but she followed me through the crowded halls of the school.

"Stop following me."

"But we're friends!" I sighed and rubbed my temples.


"Yay!" She started dancing in the hallway and I couldn't help but smile as she did a victory dance.

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