A New Realisation

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*Cami walks in*

Cami-There you are! Everyone is looking for you and Federico. Are you ok?

Vilu-I tried to kiss Leon...

Cami-Tried? Did you pull away?

Vilu-No he did...

Cami-But he still likes you. Why would he do that?

Vilu-I am horrible

Cami-What do you mean?

Vilu-I break up with him and then the next minute I try to kiss him? I keep leading him on and hurting him Cami.

Cami-What are you going to do?

Vilu-First I have to apologise.

Cami-What about Angie?

Vilu-I will cross that bridge when I come to it. Did you say that Fede was missing?


Vilu-I have to go.

Cami-Do you want me to come?

Vilu-No I have to go alone

*Vilu walks out*


Pablo-I just don't know what to do with you Ludmila. Your place at the studio is hanging by a thread.

Ludmila-So I am being punished for telling the truth? Wow is it just me or do you have it out for me or something?

Angie-This isn't funny Ludmila. You messed with my family and that's not ok. Also how you lied before was bad as well.

Ludmila-It's funny how you think that you have the right to contradict me after you have been lying a lot longer then Use have.

Pablo-That's enough. You are suspended for 2 days.

Antonio-No she isn't.

Pablo-Antonio but she....

Antonio-We cannot suspend her for telling the truth. You can leave but don't interrupt rehearsal like that again.

*Ludmila leaves*


Vilu-Fede are you ok?


Vilu-What are you doing here? You only come here when you are upset.

Fede-I feel close to Mom here and when I'm upset I like it.

Vilu-Now that I think about it, you might not have to come to her grave to feel close to her anymore.

Fede-What else would I do?

Vilu-Maybe we could ask Angie about Mom.

Fede-That woman?

Vilu-That woman is our Aunt and now that I think about it , maybe she had seen good reason. Maybe she could help us get to know our Mom Federico.

Federico-Are you defending her? Typical.....


Federico-You can never be there for me.

Vilu-That's not true

Federico-Forget it.

*Federico walks away*

Vilu-Oh Mom I wish you were still here .....

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