Chapter 14: Just When Everything Was Getting Back to Normal

Start from the beginning

"So you killed Stain, one of those creatures that attacked the school and you got the delivery from the yakuza guy, there was just one question." She crawled on top of him pressed her boobs against his muscular chest, "Why did it take two weeks for you come back to me?" "Well i was horribly injured for one and i needed time to heel, also all public transportation to city was stopped for awhile until they could prove they were safe so i was stuck there but that dosen't matter anymore i'm here now and i will never leave you, and i promise i--i'll be a good father, no i'll be the best father i can be to our baby." Before he could say anything else she kissed him, at first it was just making out but it quickly turned into gropping and then removing the little clothes they had on and finally making love all morning.

(Later that day)

Izuku and Mei walked down the street holding hands looking at the sights, "So where do you wanna go now Mei?" She looked around and jumped at the sight of the perfect place to have fun with Izuku, "Let's go in there." She pointed at the entrance of a karaoke bar freaking out Izuku, "You wanna do that?" She dragged him through the front door to the front desk, "We'd like a room for the hour please, also some food the best you got." She handed the cashier the money and he gave them a key to a room, "You guys got the room at the end of the hall and your food will be out shortly." "Thank You." The two walked down the hall and entered the room, there was a giant tv, a nice coffee table and sofa, "So who's gonna go first." Izuku asked but Mei just gave him a small smile, "Oh no." "Come on Izuku, it's just singing." She gave her famous sad puppy eye look to him and as much as he tried to fight he couldn't resist it, "Fine just let me pick a song." He walked over to a tablet and typed in a song, "what are you picking babe?" "You'll find in just a second, there we go." He put down the tablet and picked up the mic and readied himself,

(Sing) They see you as small and helpless

They see you as just a child.

Surprise when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild.

Prepare for your greatest moments

Prepare for your finest hour.

The dream that you've always dreamed is suddenly about to flower.

We are lightning

Straying from the thunder

Miracles of ancient wonder.

This will be the day we've waited for.

This will be the day we open up the door.

I don't wanna hear your absolution

Hope your ready for a revolution.

Welcome to a world of new solutions.

Welcome to a world of bloody evolution.

In time, your heart will open minds

A story will be told

And victory is in a simple soul.

Mei watched as her boyfriend sang his soul out right infront of her, once he was done he took a deep breath and smiled at her, "Now your turn." She picked up her the tablet and picked her song "Get ready to be amazed." She took the mic and pushed him down on the couch,

(Song) I will break into your thoughts

With what's written on my heart

I will break, break

I'm so sick, infected with

Where I live

Let me live without this

Empty bliss, selfishness

I'm so sick

I'm so sick

If you want more of this

We can push out, sell out, die out

So you'll shut up

And stay sleeping

With my screaming in your itching ears

I'm so sick, infected with

Where I live

Let me live without this

Empty bliss, selfishness

I'm so sick

I'm so sick.

As she singed she danced seductively shaking her hips around and moving her hands up and down her body getting him hard, "You wanna do it Izukubaby?" He was so mesmerized by her dancing that he couldn't even speak he just shook his head yes but before they could do anything there was knock on the door, "Your food is ready." Izuku got up from the couch to answer the door while Mei looked for another song to sing, "Hey Izuku can you do deathmetal by chance, Hey Izuku?" She looked at him and saw he was just standing there not moving, Mei got up from the couch and walked over to her boyfriend, "Hey are you okay." He didn't answer, he just stood there staring at someone, she looked at the waitress who was a small women with green hair looking like she was about to breakdown and cry, "Do you know this women Izuku?" He didn't look away from the waitress as he answered, "She's my mom."

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