Chapter 21: Don't Look Back

Start from the beginning

"Nah," I scratched the back of my head. "It's real. Genesis and I may have got caught up a few days ago and somebody got a video of us just and only kissing. That's it, I promise."

She sighs on the other end.

"How is she holding up with all of this?"

"She was pretty chill about it at first, she didn't blow up about it or anything. But I can tell she's upset about it."

"Of course she is Christopher. I mean you are a public figure which means you don't have the privacy she's used to. You should know these things by now."

"Yeah." I shifted uncomfortably.

"What are you two gonna do now?"

"Well she has to go back home and most likely meet with her boss about the situation."

"Oh no, will she lose her job?"

"I don't know." I frowned.

"Dammit, Christopher. If that poor girl loses her job over you, you're gonna be sorry." She spat as I chuckled. "I'm not laughing either."

"Chill, mama. Genesis is gonna be straight, she don't need that job. But I was actually hoping I could bring you down here for a week or so."

"Mhm, or I could blow you off like you did me."

"Whatever," I laugh. "You know you wanna come see me."

"I'll think about it. In the meantime you need to think of ways to clean this mess you made up. Don't let that poor girl go about being unemployed because you couldn't keep it in your pants."

"Well it's good to know what side you're on. You ain't even meet her yet."

"Shut up, boy." She hangs up.

I kiss my teeth and shook my head. She lucky I miss her cooking or I wouldn't even be flying her out with that attitude. I cleaned up my area before proceeding my way upstairs. The guys had to be somewhere sleep or either playing Xbox.

As I approached the door way, Genesis sat on the edge of the bed with her back to me as she talked on the phone.

"No, some fatass really said that Chris was gonna do what he did to Rihanna's face to yours. That shit pissed me off so I had to bring up his dead mama in his bio." Logan growls.

"You should just ignore the comments like I do, Lo. We don't want to make this situation any worst when they find out you're family." Genesis inquires whom hasn't even notice me approaching yet.

"What happened?"

"Just Logan being stupid." Genesis says as she sits up and allow me to lay my head in her lap.

"Haaaay, Chris." Logan pops her gum.

I chuckled as Genesis rolls her eyes. "What's good, Lo?"

"I'm just trying to tell this girl that every since the shade room posted her and her followers blew up, people been talking shit. Saying she paid for that video to be recorded. My cousin is not scandalous and I had to let these niggas know."

My eyebrow shot up as I unlocked my phone. Her followers blew up? Going to the social media app, I searched Genesis page and sure enough it was different. This was something I wanted to avoid. The second people discover her, people will start to adore her. Then niggas will start trying to start shit with her.

Curiosity getting the best of me, I went to the original post.

Curiosity getting the best of me, I went to the original post

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