(5) parenting

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Sweeping Melina up into the air, Zarya hugged the five year old to her shoulder, turning round and walking back the way she ran.

"You caught me momma! Good Job! Good job momma!!"

Zarya clutched further at Melina, holding her closer than life before stopping in an unoccupied spot of walk way, moving yo the side and setting Melina down.

She was frowning in confusion, wondering why Zarya wasn't saying anything.

"Momma? What's wrong?"

Zarya felt her lip tremble, grabbing melina's face and kissing her forehead. "Stop doing that. Stop it.. you dont know anyone here!what if someone grabbed you up before I got to you!"

The young woman held her child away from her by a full arms length, tears starting to form as she begged the small girl to understand this was not a game.

"W-why are you crying m-momma..." melina asked, wide eyed and worried over what made zarya so sad."

"You made me cry!.. you did. Because you keep scaring me. You think it's okay to drop everything and run but it's not!.. It's not alright, melina..."

The short black woman hitched her breath when the five year old ran forward, hugging the young adult and apologizing loudly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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